It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time.Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician.
//my answer
It’scommon that politicians may avoid telling the truth. However, it doesn't follow that honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician. In fact, a skilledpolitician should learn to tackle such embarrassing situations and seeminglyparadoxes, thus acquire the art of keeping honesty while avoid always tellingthe truth.
To beginwith, it is known that political leader may have to avoid speaking aboutcontroversial topics or disclosing the truth. For their party's interest, forinstance, it is not conducive to talk about the party's relationship withanother one, which could cause much dispute over the party’s public relations,causing damage. It is appropriate behavior for political leaders to simplysmoothly avoid such topics. Also, there are specific situations when tellingthe truth is even harmful to the nation and a virtuous shunning is beneficialfor the whole society. An example is never hard to find, when there is animpending hurricane, telling public the truth will inevitably result in socialturbulence, while shunning the truth and organizing an effective evacuation ismerited ability for a political leader.
However,not always telling the truth doesn't certainly lead to the disdain of honesty.There is a wider range of behaviors which can be classified as shunning thetruth, of which one example is just shunning telling the truth, rather thanlying, and there exists a wide gap between two concepts. For instance, when youask the president about some confidential information, he could just eschew thetopic, rather than lying to you. It is obvious that lying is unacceptable for apolitician, while shunning from the truth is accepted.
Moreover,honesty is always of vital significance for people, especially for politicians.Politicians hold the public power, making it rather significant to keep honestyand probity. Assume that the politicians tell lies in order to secure their owninterest, how could such society keep stable and productive? We have alwayshoped our descendent to keep honest and save their virtues, without virtuouspoliticians, how could we convince our children when the exemplary of thesociety tell lies? Moreover, it is likely that the public will vote for a dishonestpolitician.
To sumup, the general expectation for a politician is a genius who can be honest whenfacing the public and tackling public affairs, and at the same time skillfullyavoid embarrassing situations when telling the truth may cause damage to theirinterest. It’s challenging for politicians to achieve such prowess.
It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time.Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician.
//my answer
It’scommon that politicians may avoid telling the truth. However, it doesn't follow that honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician. In fact, a skilledpolitician should learn to tackle such embarrassing situations and seeminglyparadoxes, thus acquire the art of keeping honesty while avoid always tellingthe truth.
To beginwith, it is known that political leader may have to avoid speaking aboutcontroversial topics or disclosing the truth. For their party's interest, forinstance, it is not conducive to talk about the party's relationship withanother one, which could cause much dispute over the party’s public relations,causing damage. It is appropriate behavior for political leaders to simplysmoothly avoid such topics. Also, there are specific situations when tellingthe truth is even harmful to the nation and a virtuous shunning is beneficialfor the whole society. An example is never hard to find, when there is animpending hurricane, telling public the truth will inevitably result in socialturbulence, while shunning the truth and organizing an effective evacuation ismerited ability for a political leader.
However,not always telling the truth doesn't certainly lead to the disdain of honesty.There is a wider range of behaviors which can be classified as shunning thetruth, of which one example is just shunning telling the truth, rather thanlying, and there exists a wide gap between two concepts. For instance, when youask the president about some confidential information, he could just eschew thetopic, rather than lying to you. It is obvious that lying is unacceptable for apolitician, while shunning from the truth is accepted.
Moreover,honesty is always of vital significance for people, especially for politicians.Politicians hold the public power, making it rather significant to keep honestyand probity. Assume that the politicians tell lies in order to secure their owninterest, how could such society keep stable and productive? We have alwayshoped our descendent to keep honest and save their virtues, without virtuouspoliticians, how could we convince our children when the exemplary of thesociety tell lies? Moreover, it is likely that the public will vote for a dishonestpolitician.
To sumup, the general expectation for a politician is a genius who can be honest whenfacing the public and tackling public affairs, and at the same time skillfullyavoid embarrassing situations when telling the truth may cause damage to theirinterest. It’s challenging for politicians to achieve such prowess.