USC Pre-Master’s Program

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最近好像很多人收到USC的Pre-Master’s Program录取,这是我今天收到的邮件
I am writing to follow up with you regarding the information you received from the Viterbi School of Engineering Admissions team.

I am happy to inform you that you have been selected for the USC International Academy Pre-Master’s Program. I am attaching your admission email here.

The Pre-Master’s Program is designed to ensure your success in your degree program, increase your capacity to adapt to USC’s academic culture and expectations, read and critically assess academic texts, and communicate effectively in writing and speech. Courses are tailored to the reading and writing styles of your discipline and will introduce you to topics and content relevant to your field of study.

Once you make the commitment deposit as directed on the attachment, we’ll be able to provide you with the official letter of admission and I-20.

If you have any questions regarding the above information or about the Pre-Master’s Program, please let me know.

Thank you,

下面附件说这个项目时间为September 11, 2014 – December 19, 2014,这个项目是USC International Academy学院的,说是只要这个pre的课程均分达到B单科不低于C就能上正常硕士项目,那个北京南加州国际学院的联系老师之前说还要考GRE,但今天告诉我我GT都不用再考了,只要pre的那些语言课通过就行


话说这个邮件是[email protected]发的,我还以为是骗人的...

手头还有个雪城和Neu的ad,还有poly,sit的没消息, 到底要不要去这个呢?楼主大水人usc是申请学校中最好的了
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