University of Delaware电子工程系(ECE)招收硬件安全方向PhD

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替带过我的博后发一波广告 招收phd~
他人真的很好相处,学术上也很专业,我也很感谢我research过程中是他mentor我,跟着他学了不少东西,如何思考问题,如何写paper,文笔也很棒。对待事情也很公平,之前有和实验室里的其他印度同学有一点儿矛盾,他也能够很好的站在我的角度上思考问题并且给出建议。组里主要是做hardware security,他在这方面的publication很多,知识覆盖也比较广泛,Google citation就可以看出来。以下是正文:

Ph.D. positions in Computer (Hardware Security) University of Delaware

Dr. Satwik Patnaik is looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students interested in conducting research on developing secure and trustworthy hardware. Students can be either admitted for the Fall 2023/Spring 2024 term based on discussions. Students with technical knowledge and expertise in at least two subjects (VLSI, computer architecture, machine learning, circuits, and security) are especially encouraged to apply.
Information about Dr. Satwik Patnaik

Dr. Satwik Patnaik will join the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Delaware in Fall 2023. Currently, he is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Texas A&M University, College Station, USA. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Tandon School of Engineering, New York University, USA, in September 2020.

Dr. Patnaik's research interests lie at the intersection of microelectronics (VLSI), hardware security (computer security), computer-aided design (CAD), machine learning, and circuits. The overarching goal of his research encompasses strengthening the security of the globalized semiconductor supply chain and developing security-focused CAD tools and methodologies to realize secure and trustworthy hardware and systems. In addition, his research delves into intellectual property (IP) protection techniques, leveraging the 3D paradigm for computer security, exploiting the security properties of emerging devices, and applying machine learning and reinforcement learning techniques for enhancing hardware security.
The outcomes of this research have led to 1 book and 45 peer-reviewed publications in top-tier conferences and journals in computer security (CCS, TIFS) and electronic design automation (DAC, DATE, ICCAD, TCAD, TETC, D&T, etc.). Publications can be accessed at

Dr. Patnaik received the Bronze Medal in the Graduate Category at the ACM/SIGDA Student Research Competition held at ICCAD 2018, the Best Paper Award at the Applied Research Competition (ARC) held in conjunction with Cyber Security Awareness Week in 2017, and the third place at the ARC competition in 2021.
Dr. Patnaik has co-organized multiple hardware security competitions, such as HeLLO-CTF 2021 and AI vs. Humans 2022. In addition, he served as the security track chair for ACM CADAthlon, co-located with ICCAD 2022. Furthermore, he is actively engaged as a technical program committee member in leading conferences about electronic design automation (ICCAD, ASP-DAC, ICCD, etc.) and is an active reviewer for several journals/transactions, including IEEE Transactions on Computers, TCAD, TVLSI, TIFS, TCAS-II, IEEE D&T, etc.

If interested, please send your CV and TOEFL/IELTS scores, academic transcripts (translated into English), and a writing sample (research statement or statement of purpose) to [email protected]. In addition, please briefly summarize your research interests, important projects, and research experience (if any). Finally, please do not forget to mention “Ph.D. applicant” in the subject line of the email.

Prospective students are encouraged to visit the following web pages for additional information.
Research Interests:
Google Scholar:

About the University of Delaware:
The University of Delaware (UD) is ranked #45 (U.S. News 2023) among all Engineering Schools in the U.S. According to, UD ranks #21 (over the last 10 years) for research in Design Automation, Embedded and Real-time Systems, and high-performance computing. UD also ranks in the top 40 schools (#38) for computer security research in conjunction with the aforementioned research areas.
Info about the Department:
Info about the University:
Information about the Center for Cybersecurity:
More details about the favorable location of UD are mentioned here.