2023fall U of Notre Dame MSBA面经

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申请学校:University of Notre Dame
申请专业:Master of Science in Business Analytics

2023fall, University of Notre Dame依然是采用kira面试,但看kira链接的说明, MSF, MSM, MNA, MSA, MSDM, MSBA的面试都是同一个。

  1. 这次测试共6题,5题口语,1题写作。
  2. 口语的测试形式类似托福口语第一题,即看到题目后准备十几秒,并回答一分钟(需要开摄像头)。
  3. 口语部分,不同长度的题目准备时间不同,但没有一题有超过30秒的准备时间,最短的5秒。
  4. 虽然口语准备时间内会开着摄像头,但那段时间你做的事情不会被录进去。
  5. 写作不用开启摄像头和麦克风,但据称kira后台会侦测你的打字速度(未经证实),所以最好不要copy and paste。
  6. 写作时间只有5分钟,真的很短。


  1. What is a skill you'd like to develop?
  2. Imagine that you are working in a group setting and your team members don’t agree with a change you recently implemented. How would you approach the situation?
  3. Tell me about a time when you let yourself down. How did you overcome the situation? What was the result and what did you learn?
  4. Graduate school education is an excellent investment long term though in the short term, it is a sizeable commitment of time, resources and energy. What strategies will you use to avoid burnout and account for your self care?
  5. Imagine you are working really hard on a project. You have a weekly check-in on your progress with your manager, this week they tell you that you need to re-do a large section of the project. What is your initial reaction and what is your response?

  1. Write about your favorite teacher, mentor, or supervisor.


祝各位都能申上自己的dream school!
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