美国Clemson University计算机专业博士招生

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Two PhD student positions starting from 2023 Fall or 2024 Spring are available in the School of Computing at Clemson University. The research projects will be focused on AI-based online abuse detection, AI security, IoT/CPS cybersecurity and software security, under the supervision of Dr. Long Cheng (people.computing.clemson.edu/~lcheng2/). Dr Cheng's recent papers were published in USENIX Security, CCS, NDSS, ACSAC, DSN, ASIACCS, etc

Students who are self-motivated and meet the following requirements are encouraged to apply:
- Bachelor or Master degree in CS, EE, or related majors
- Strong programming skills
- Good communication and writing skills
- Previous research experiences in computer security, cryptography, software engineering, operating system, or machine learning are preferred.

Interested applicants please send a detailed C.V. and transcripts to Dr. Cheng by email (1point3acres.com).
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