Clark CS 免申请费分享贴

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这个学校对于国际生很友好, 回复邮件迅速. 让我意外的是: 当时是跟一个admission office工作人员meet, 随口一提我有一篇论文的方向跟一个professor 贴合, 问我需不需要跟他聊聊并且帮我约了meetting. 对于MS 授课型项目, 这种机会还是很难得的.
分享下waive 的邮件, 大家可以自行联系admission office:
Thank you for your email and for your interest in Clark University! We can provide you with an application fee waiver after you have engaged with one of our virtual resources.
We have appointments to book with Staff members during our regular business hours here
We have appointments available to book with our Graduate Assistants here
You can view and register for one of our virtual webinars here
Please let us know if you have any questions about these resources and when you have engaged with one of them so we can provide you with an application fee waiver.

虽然不去这个项目了,我的申请咨询和meeting体验感非常好. 所以分享给对这个项目感兴趣的同学们!
新人刚来, 记得帮我加米呀!
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