哥大的data science(转cs)ad

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本来申请的data science, 后来因为转到cs了,所以收到的是cs的ad。让在5月5号前交1000占位费。具体如下:

Congratulations! It is a pleasure for me to inform you that you have been admitted to Columbia University’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science as a candidate in the Computer Science Master of Science program beginning Fall 2014. The faculty and staff would like to commend you on your past accomplishments which formed the basis of our admission decision in a highly competitive pool. We encourage you to visit our Welcome to Columbia website atgradengineering.columbia.edu for essential information to assist you with your transition to the Columbia Engineering and Applied Science community.

问一下大家,这个和cmu的mism bida比较哪个更好一些呢?本来在我心里这个是比不上nyu的data science的,然后nyu在我心里不如cmu的mism。。哥大的ds毕竟只有一年,而且传说中哥大招人比较水。可是从目前的情况看来他们招人应该是比较selective的,而且的确位置名气摆在那里。
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