Michigan Technological University looks for PhD student in Environ Engineering

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学生背景要求:最好有硕士学历, 善于自我管理和自我激励。专业要求在环境化学,分析化学,药物化学,毒理学,化学工程,生物工程,环境科学/工程,或相关学科。
学生经验要求 (希望有但不强制):气相质谱,液相质谱,DNA损伤分析,细胞和基因毒性分析,反应动力学,以及微量有机化合物分析。
有兴趣的学生可以发简历,各阶段成绩单和英语语言成绩单(托福或雅思,英语语言成绩最好有但不强制)到她的邮箱,标题(PhD application + Your last name):1point3acres.com
郭洁红毕业于伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校,曾就职于印第安纳大学伯明顿分校和明尼苏达大学双城分校。主要从事有机污染物的环境行为研究以及烟草中致癌物的DNA损伤分析。她在2023年1月份加入密歇根理工大学市政,环境和地理空间工程系。她的文章可以参见google scholar: scholar.google.com
密歇根理工大学市政,环境和地理空间工程系介绍可以参见: mtu.edu
学校简介:密歇根理工大学(Michigan Technological University),简称“MTU”,是位于美国密歇根州的一所公立理工类研究型大学,校区位于该州上半岛的霍顿市(Houghton),临近加拿大,五大湖之一的苏必利尔湖支流流经校园,景色怡人。密歇根理工大学始建于1885年,是位于密歇根上半岛的第一所高等学府,经过百余年的发展,已经成为一所工科实力强,校风优良的科研型国家公立大学。密歇根理工大学在2017USNEWS美国综合性大学排名第118。
A PhD position (starting Fall 2023) is available with Jiehong Guo in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering at the Michigan Technological University. Self-motivated students with academic backgrounds in Environmental Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Toxicology, Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, Environmental Engineering/Science, and other closely related subjects are encouraged to apply. Experiences with GC-MS, LC-MS, DNA damage, cellular toxicity and genotoxicity tests, reaction kinetics, and trace level analysis are desired but not required. The candidate will be given full financial supports plus tuition waiver and health benefits during the time of graduate study. Prospective applicants should reach out to Dr. Jiehong Guo (1point3acres.com) with your current resume/CV, all transcripts, and English language scores (for international students, preferred but not required) with the title (PhD application + Your last name) if interested in the position or with any questions. Information about the publications of the research group can be found at
Information about the Department can be found at mtu.edu
The faculty profile of Dr. Jiehong Guo will come out soon.