教授同意录取 被系committee和研究生院拒的可能性大吗

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3月底联系的uc Davis教授 回复如下“ I communicated the graduate group yesterday> I don’t know when there next meeting will be and if they admit you at the GGNB level..the next step is at the college level..you have to be admitted by the college too…I assume that with your grades and my support you will be admitted..but we have to wait.”

这都四月中了 ucd还没有给结果…甚是焦虑 T和G没太大竞争力那种 两次问小秘都说材料正under review 会悲剧吗…{:4_85:}

作为一个申MS in Nutritional Sciences的 申的每个学校的项目都要套辞 伤不起啊 八所学校前后发了几十个教授 要不不回 要不不招生 还有面试以后让我等然后几个月以后跟我说没钱不能招的…是我这专业太奇葩了吗。。。