[长期有效] 福特汉姆大学-计算机系招收可信AI和机器学习方向全奖博士

魏文启博士将于2023年1月加入福特汉姆大学(Fordham University)计算机与信息科学系,担任助理教授。他于2022年在佐治亚理工学院获得计算机科学博士学位,师从Dr. Ling Liu 教授(计算机领域国际知名学者,IEEE Fellow)。他本科毕业于华中科技大学电信学院。他目前的研究领域包括可信人工智能、数据安全与隐私保护、机器学习、大数据分析和挖掘等。他的研究致力于提高AI和信息安全技术的可用性、高效性和公平性,并将其应用于金融、商业、健康医疗、社交网络、边缘计算,区块链等领域。他在相关领域顶级会议和期刊如CVPR, CCS, TIFS, TDSC, CSUR等发表论文近30篇,并获得ACM EdgeSys 2020最佳论文奖,Google Scholar引用超过970;曾多次担任顶级会议KDD, CVPR, TheWebConf, NeurIPS, AAAI等和期刊TOIT, TIFS, ToN, TNNLS, TSC等(高级)程序委员或审稿人;与工业界紧密合作,曾在Samsung Research America和IBM Research (TJ Watson/Almaden)实习和工作,拥有多项发明专利。

[About me]
Wenqi Wei will join the Computer and Information Sciences Department at Fordham University in Jan 2023 as a tenure-track assistant professor. Dr. Wei earned his PhD in Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2022. His advisor is Prof. Dr. Ling Liu (Pioneer in Distributed Data and Trust Management, IEEE Fellow). His current research interests include trustworthy AI systems, data privacy, responsible AI, and data mining and analysis. His research aims to promote the trustworthiness, efficiency and fairness in AI and cybersecurity techniques, His research is devoted into a wide selection of domain-specific applications, such as finance, business, healthcare, social networks, edge computing, and blockchain, etc. He has published around 30 papers on top AI/Cybersecurity venues like CVPR, CCS, TIFS, TDSC, CSUR, …, with more than 950 citations on Google Scholar. He is the recipient of best paper award from ACM EdgeSys 2020; He has served as (senior) program committee and reviewer for many top conferences (KDD, CVPR, TheWebConf, NeurIPS, AAAI, …) and journals (TOIT, TIFS, ToN, TNNLS, TSC…); His research is deeply engaged with industry, and had four internships with Samsung Research America and IBM Research (TJ Watson/Almaden); he also holds several US patents.

; 面向全球招收计算机科学博士研究生(Ph.D. in Computer Science),入学时间2023年秋季,学校将提供博士项目全额奖学金。
; 欢迎理工科相关专业(包括信息技术类专业如计算机、信息工程、自动化等,以及数学类、运筹和系统工程、管理信息系统和金融工程等) 研究生和优秀本科生申请。
; 标化要求:托福minimum 85 (or IELTS 6.5),GRE required (the Office of Graduate Admissions, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Fordham University–Code #2259)。
; 申请截止日期:2023年1月9日 (长期有效,之后年份截止时间请关注计算机科学博士项目官网fordham.edu

; Recruiting students for the Ph.D. in Computer Science program, starting 2023 Fall. The program is fully supported.
; All STEM students are welcome to apply, with a preference on information technology related majors (Computer Science, electronic and information engineering, electrical engineering, automation, etc., as well as math, operation research and system engineering, and management information systems and financial engineering, etc.). I have no requirements on whether you have a master degree or published papers, but you need to ensure that you are truly interested in doing research. I can help you secure an industry/academia position based on your interests and career plans.
; TOEFL minimum 85 (or IELTS 6.5),GRE required (the Office of Graduate Admissions, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Fordham University–Code #2259)。
; Application deadline for starting 2023 Fall: Jan 9th, 2023 (The recruitment is long term, you may keep track of the deadline information for later year on the program website: fordham.edu)

福特汉姆大学是一所私立研究型大学,建立于1841年,位于纽约市中心,在2022年US News全美大学综合排名68,在纽约市的知名度仅次于哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学,该校的金融学、商学、法学等在全美享有极高声誉。

[School and Program ]
Fordham University is a private Jesuit research university in New York City, established in 1841. The university is ranked No. 68 by U.S. News & World Report in "Best National Universities". In New York City, Fordham university is only second to Columbia University and New York University. The Gabelli School of Business and Fordham Law School enjoys a high reputation nationwide.
Fordham’s Ph.D. in computer science program is designed to educate the next generation of researchers, faculty, and industry leaders in a critical discipline that delivers constant innovation and development, while promoting ethically informed public interest technological research. The program focuses on both the theoretical foundation and applications of computer science, with a current emphasize on artificial intelligence and information security. Based on New York and working together with the Gabelli School of Business, Fordham Law School, and Fordham Center for Cybersecurity, the program advances the disciplinary sciences and applications. The school currently offers a cloud based Research Computing Cluster with server-level CPUs and multiple GPUs. The research group has a start-up funding, which can purchase extra computing resources if needed.

; 注册网址 fordham.edu

[Application information]
Application website:gradadmissions.fordham.edu
Info Session:Dec 13, 2022
; Register here: fordham.edu

Contact me: 1point3acres.com (please attach CV)
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