[教授贴] University of Vermont 2023 CS PhD -- HCI & Data Privacy

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  • HCI是CS和社科人文的交叉学科,希望招到有CS背景且真心对社科人文有兴趣的同学,毕业对口职位是UX researcher。
  • 非名校研究型州立大学。希望招到真心对research有兴趣,毕业后想找research positions的同学。毕业后只想写码赚钱的的同学请申名校MS。
  • 非大城市,Burlington VT是东北小州小城市,政治很左,没有中餐,自然环境好,冬季运动资源丰富。适合热爱自然和户外的同学。
  • 招生要求:有一定前端开发能力 (web/mobile development),比较好的英语口语和写作能力,有一定DS/ML/AI基础。
  • CS相关专业硕士可转研究生学分来满足PhD要求(北美硕士比较好操作),想早点毕业去industry的同学可以努力4年毕业。
  • 教授性格非常好,美式导师风格,学术上有自己的坚持。本人反感academic sweatshop,只要是self-motivated的同学,不会无端push。

学校:University of Vermont
城市:Burlington, VT
专业:Computer Science
申请截止:January 15, 2023
导师:Yuanyuan Feng
研究方向: Human-computer interaction, data privacy, health informatics
入学时间:Fall 2023
资助: Tuition + Stipend (不低于$30,000/year)


I’m actively recruiting students who are excited about designing and building human-centered computing systems to improve people’s personal wellbeing and to achieve greater social good. Generally, prospective students should have strong interest in at least one of my research areas: human-computer interaction (HCI), usable privacy & security, privacy-enhancing technologies, health informatics, ubiquitous computing, and applied machine learning/artificial intelligence (ML/AI).

I have Ph.D. positions in Computer Science starting Fall 2023. Strong candidates should be self-motivated, passionate about research, interested in human-centered computing, and have programming skills. Ph.D. students at UVM typically are funded with full tuition and a stipend.
I’m looking for candidates with one or more the following qualifications: (1) prior experience in designing, implementing, and evaluating interactive systems; (2) skills in developing user-facing web/mobile applications; (3) knowledge in data science/machine learning/artificial intelligence (DS/ML/AI); and (4) interdisciplinary research backgrounds related to computing (e.g., social science, psychology). Candidates from under-reprensented groups in computing are strongly encouraged!

Interested individuals may contact me with the following information:
  • A brief introduction of yourself;
  • Your CV or resume;
  • A short description of how your research interests align with my research expertise; and
  • Representative publications or writing samples (course papers are okay).

The subject of the email should start with “[Prospective-PhD]”. I will reach out if there is a potential good fit.

补充内容 (2023-06-08 02:29 +08:00):

补充说明:招生广告2024 Spring依然有效!欢迎大家联系我!