LSU ad转offer

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已经有七八个phd ad了,总算来个一个offer。但是邮件里只写了“One-Year Assistantship Offer", 那第二年拿不到的几率大吗? 还有具体是ta还是ra也没有讲。另外如果只有第一年的offer签证需要财产证明吗?
[align="left"]This is to inform you that you have been accepted for admission to the Mechanical Engineering Program in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering. We are pleased to offer you a one-year Assistantship, which you will be receiving the Assistantship Offer Letter soon (with more detailed information in regards to the assistantship).[/align]
[align="left"]Professor ***, the Graduate Advisor of the ME Program, would like to talk with you either on the phone or via Skype as soon as possible. The purpose of this is to answer any questions that you may have in our program and the life in Baton Rouge. Thus, please reply with the following information as soon as possible:[/align]
[align="left"](1) If you prefer a phone conversation or Skype conversation[/align][align="left"](2) Your phone number or Skype id; and[/align][align="left"](3) Several available time slots within this week (Week April 10 – 17) for the meeting.[/align]

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