美国University of Iowa招收1-2名2023年春/秋-全奖-BME博士研究生/访问学生
美国爱荷华大学 (University of Iowa) 是全美排名 35 的公立大学(US News 2022),也是爱荷华州最大,最悠久,和学科最全的大学,具有175年的历史。爱荷华大学位于大学城Iowa City,生活成本低,购物便利,距离中西部主要城市3-4个小时车程。Iowa City被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)列为北美唯一的“文学之城”(City of Literature),也在多个排行榜中列为最宜居的城市之一,充满了丰富多彩的文化,艺术和体育活动。爱荷华大学具有全美一流的医学院和医院,为生物医学工程研究提供有力的临床支持和广泛的合作机会。2019年,爱荷华大学工学院Roy J. Carver 生物医学工程系(Biomedical Engineering Department)收到Carver慈善基金会1200万美元的捐赠用于提高呼吸系统疾病相关的科研设施和教育水平。
实验室PI Dr. Xuan Mu现为爱荷华大学Roy J. Carver 生物医学工程系的tenure-track助理教授。目前已在PNAS,Nature Materials,Nature Communications,Progress in Polymer Sciences等期刊发表多篇论文,并担任多个期刊的编辑和审稿人,曾获通用电器(GE)奖学金,中科院王宽诚博士后奖和北京协和医学院新星奖等。主要研究方向为 Respiratory Bioengineering, Non-Infectious Lung Diseases, Functional Proteinaceous Materials, and Advanced Biofabrication。Mu实验室得到Carver慈善基金会的慷慨资助,经费充足;实验室自有设备包括Leica 共聚焦显微镜,INKREDIBLE 3D 生物打印机,超纯水系统,以及细胞培养设备等。学校有多个Core Facility 提供各种先进的实验工具。欢迎访问实验室主页 mu.lab.uiowa.edu 了解其他内容。
The research project is to exploit bioinspired strategy, proteinaceous biopolymers, and advanced biofabrication approaches for constructing in vitro disease models and tissue grafts/implants that would benefit individuals with pulmonary and respiratory diseases, such as pulmonary fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, bronchitis, and lung cancer. The project is based on previous research results by the principal investigator (PI), Dr. Xuan Mu, including PNAS 2022, Micromole. Biosci. 2020, Prog. Poly. Sci. 2021, Nature Commun. 2022, Nature Mater. 2020, etc. The Ph.D. student will work in an interdisciplinary, inclusive, and collaborative environment, in a well-equipped chemical-biological wet lab, and be supported by the PI and the Carver Charitable Trust. There are also opportunities to collaborate with the Carver College of Medicine. The Ph.D. students are expected to publish their research results in peer-reviewed journals and deliver presentations at professional conferences.
The candidate should hold a master's degree and,
; Strong interest in the respiratory system and advanced bioengineering approaches
; Research experience in microfluidics, biopolymers, 3D printing or other related expertise
; Strong academic records, such as high GPA and peer-reviewed publication(s)
; Meeting the admission requirements, bme.engineering.uiowa.edu
Interested applicants should provide a cover letter, CV, and contact information for at least two references in an attachment to 1point3acres.com, titled "2023 PhD + Name". The PI will review the application materials immediately and respond to every applicant.
请将一份完整的PDF申请材料,包括个人简历、成绩单、英语成绩报告、推荐人信息,以及代表性学术论文等,发送至邮箱:1point3acres.com, 并在邮件标题注明“2023 PhD + Name”。有意向者请提早联系。来信必回复。
美国爱荷华大学 (University of Iowa) 是全美排名 35 的公立大学(US News 2022),也是爱荷华州最大,最悠久,和学科最全的大学,具有175年的历史。爱荷华大学位于大学城Iowa City,生活成本低,购物便利,距离中西部主要城市3-4个小时车程。Iowa City被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)列为北美唯一的“文学之城”(City of Literature),也在多个排行榜中列为最宜居的城市之一,充满了丰富多彩的文化,艺术和体育活动。爱荷华大学具有全美一流的医学院和医院,为生物医学工程研究提供有力的临床支持和广泛的合作机会。2019年,爱荷华大学工学院Roy J. Carver 生物医学工程系(Biomedical Engineering Department)收到Carver慈善基金会1200万美元的捐赠用于提高呼吸系统疾病相关的科研设施和教育水平。
实验室PI Dr. Xuan Mu现为爱荷华大学Roy J. Carver 生物医学工程系的tenure-track助理教授。目前已在PNAS,Nature Materials,Nature Communications,Progress in Polymer Sciences等期刊发表多篇论文,并担任多个期刊的编辑和审稿人,曾获通用电器(GE)奖学金,中科院王宽诚博士后奖和北京协和医学院新星奖等。主要研究方向为 Respiratory Bioengineering, Non-Infectious Lung Diseases, Functional Proteinaceous Materials, and Advanced Biofabrication。Mu实验室得到Carver慈善基金会的慷慨资助,经费充足;实验室自有设备包括Leica 共聚焦显微镜,INKREDIBLE 3D 生物打印机,超纯水系统,以及细胞培养设备等。学校有多个Core Facility 提供各种先进的实验工具。欢迎访问实验室主页 mu.lab.uiowa.edu 了解其他内容。
The research project is to exploit bioinspired strategy, proteinaceous biopolymers, and advanced biofabrication approaches for constructing in vitro disease models and tissue grafts/implants that would benefit individuals with pulmonary and respiratory diseases, such as pulmonary fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, bronchitis, and lung cancer. The project is based on previous research results by the principal investigator (PI), Dr. Xuan Mu, including PNAS 2022, Micromole. Biosci. 2020, Prog. Poly. Sci. 2021, Nature Commun. 2022, Nature Mater. 2020, etc. The Ph.D. student will work in an interdisciplinary, inclusive, and collaborative environment, in a well-equipped chemical-biological wet lab, and be supported by the PI and the Carver Charitable Trust. There are also opportunities to collaborate with the Carver College of Medicine. The Ph.D. students are expected to publish their research results in peer-reviewed journals and deliver presentations at professional conferences.
The candidate should hold a master's degree and,
; Strong interest in the respiratory system and advanced bioengineering approaches
; Research experience in microfluidics, biopolymers, 3D printing or other related expertise
; Strong academic records, such as high GPA and peer-reviewed publication(s)
; Meeting the admission requirements, bme.engineering.uiowa.edu
Interested applicants should provide a cover letter, CV, and contact information for at least two references in an attachment to 1point3acres.com, titled "2023 PhD + Name". The PI will review the application materials immediately and respond to every applicant.
请将一份完整的PDF申请材料,包括个人简历、成绩单、英语成绩报告、推荐人信息,以及代表性学术论文等,发送至邮箱:1point3acres.com, 并在邮件标题注明“2023 PhD + Name”。有意向者请提早联系。来信必回复。