2023 Fall ORIE Video Essay 题目

今年录取的视频还是,开始录制之后有900 seconds(15分钟)时间准备,然后开始正式录制,

Started recording 之后 420秒(7分钟)倒计时,7分钟内要答完3道题


Question 1: Given what you know about Cornell Tech, what is one thing you will not be able to get at another school you're applying to? In addition, why are you interested in the specific program you have applied to?

Question 2: Thinking about the last time you had to work on a team, what did you enjoy the most about that experience and what did you enjoy the least?

Question 3: What are your professional plans upon completing your Cornell Tech degree? (please be as specific as possible - e.g., if you're planning on starting a company or joining an existing one, please describe your aspirations)
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