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【招生】伊利诺伊芝加哥分校(UIC)- 计算机系 - 博士/硕士/实习生 - 负责任人工智能/数据挖掘/因果机器学习 (2023春/秋)

伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校(the University of Illinois at Chicago,简称UIC),由原伊利诺伊大学医学中心与位于芝加哥的分校于1982年合并而成,是美国国家资助的公立研究型大学以及伊利诺伊大学系统的第二个成员,实力仅次于伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校;同时,该校也是由卡内基基金会评选的88所研究型一类美国大学以及全美最大的10所大学之一。作为伊利诺伊大学系统三所分校之一,UIC位于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市中心, 是一所著名的公立研究型大学。同时也是芝加哥地区规模最大、综合实力最强的公立大学。学校共分为东、西、南三个校区。计算机系位于东校区,也是最安全的校区。UIC计算机系2022年US News全美排名60, CSRanking全美排名45。芝加哥具有优越的海滨地理环境以及许多高档餐饮场所。芝加哥市中心是芝加哥最重要的区域,也是该城市聚集金融、文化、政府和商业机构的中心。

Fully funded Ph.D. positions are available in Dr. Lu Cheng's lab (lucheng.ml), in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The main research direction will be socially responsible AI (fairness, interpretability/explainability, privacy, robustness, domain generalization), causal machine learning, and data science. Highly motivated master's students/undergraduates/interns are also very welcome to work with me.
Dr. Lu Cheng received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Arizona State University (ASU) in 2022 advised by Dr. Huan Liu, M.Eng. degree in Industrial Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnique Institute (RPI), and B.Eng. degree in Industrial Engineering at Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST). Her research interests are broadly in data mining and machine learning, with a particular focus on socially responsible AI, causal machine learning, and AI for social good. Lu is the web chair of WSDM'22 and a senior program committee member of AAAI'22-23. She was the recipient of the 2022 ASU CS Outstanding Doctoral Student, 2021 ASU Engineering Dean's Dissertation Award, 2020 ASU Graduate Outstanding Research Award, 2021 and 2022 ASU CIDSE Doctoral Fellowship, 2022 SDM Best Poster Award, 2019 ASU Grace Hopper Celebration Scholarship, IBM Ph.D. Social Good Fellowship, Visa Research Scholarship, and various Student Travel Awards and Scholarships. More information can be found at lucheng.ml

  • A bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or related fields.
  • Experience in at least one major programming language. Capabilities and willingness to learn new programming languages.
  • Self-motivated with integrity and enthusiasm.

Application Process:
Please send your CV and transcript(s) to 1point3acres.com.