美国德雷塞尔大学Zhou Lab招机器人方向全奖博士
德雷塞尔大学 (Drexel University), 简称 "DU", 是一所美国私立大学, 坐落国际大都市费城, 被称为 "费城三大名校" 之一 (另两所为宾夕法尼亚大学和天普大学), 地理位置优越, 坐拥充足的学术和就业资源。 德雷塞尔大学奉行以学习与实习并重的合作教育 (co-operative education), 与多家世界著名企业如 Google, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia 等保持长期合作关系。德雷塞尔大学连续五年被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为 "前一百名最佳美国大学", 其工学院被国立科学基金会评为国家模范学院, 位列2022USNEWS美国大学排名第52位。其电子与计算机工程系, 学术氛围浓厚, 拥有众多知名学者, 如电气电子工程师学会 (IEEE) 主席 Dr. Bruce Eisenstein在系内任教。
Dr. Lifeng Zhou 在2022年秋季加入德雷塞尔大学电子与计算机工程系担任助理教授。在此之前,他在宾夕法尼亚大学 (University of Pennsylvania) GRASP 实验室, 随 Dr. Vijay Kumar 从事博士后研究。他于2020年在弗吉尼亚理工 (Virginia Tech) 电子与计算机工程系 (ECE) 取得博士学位。Dr. Zhou 致力于设计稳健、可靠的协同策略, 以实现多机器人和自主系统在易发生故障、敌对和不确定性环境中的安全性和可信赖性。应用场景包括多无人机环境监测、搜索和救援、监视和侦察以及目标跟踪。Dr. Zhou 博士及博后期间独立指导多名本硕博学生, 学术论文25篇, 发表在 IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 等多个国际机器人顶级期刊和会议, 并与 MIT, UPenn, Cambridge, USC, UMich, GaTech, UMD, VT 的机器人学者及其研究团队保持长期、紧密的合作关系。实验室正在筹建阶段, 将搭建丰富的硬件和机器人平台, 包括桌面级AI超级计算机 NVIDIA DGX Station, 室内定位系统 Optitrack/Vicon, 大中小型无人机 Intel Falcon 8+, Qualcomm AI Drone, Crazyflie 2.1, 地面机器人 Turtlebot (室内), Jacal/Husky (室外) 等。 另外,每名学生会分配一台高性能笔记本或台式电脑 (System76 工作站/Lambda GPU 工作站)。更多信息详见个人网站:lfzhou917.github.io drexel.edu 和实验室网站: zhourobotics.github.io
We look for talented and highly motivated students who have strong interests and backgrounds in robotics, algorithms, combinatorial optimization, game theory, and machine learning.
Prospective Ph.D. students are welcome from any number of areas including (but not necessarily limited to), multi-robot systems, robotics algorithms, machine learning, combinatorial optimization, game theory, motion planning, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), and model predictive control.
The Ph.D. scholarship will cover the student's tuition and stipend during the Ph.D. program. The preferred start term is Winter 2022/Spring 2023/Summer 2023/Fall 2023. If you are interested in joining the lab, you should apply to the Drexel ECE Ph.D. program and mention Dr. Zhou in your SoP. You are encouraged to contact Dr. Zhou at [email protected] with the title "Prospective Ph.D. students" and include your CV and a short description of your academic background and research interests.
Prospective master's and undergraduate students interested in our research are welcome to join the lab. You are encouraged to contact Dr. Zhou at [email protected] with the title "Prospective master's/undergraduate students" and include your CV, a copy of your transcripts, and a short description of your academic background and research interests.
Prospective visiting students and scholars interested in joining the lab are encouraged to contact Dr. Zhou at [email protected] with the title "Prospective visiting students and scholars" and include your CV, a short description of your academic background and research interests, and representative publications or writing samples (if available).
Please refer to the guidelines regarding graduate admission and application deadlines: drexel.edu
See also the Drexel ECE department:
德雷塞尔大学 (Drexel University), 简称 "DU", 是一所美国私立大学, 坐落国际大都市费城, 被称为 "费城三大名校" 之一 (另两所为宾夕法尼亚大学和天普大学), 地理位置优越, 坐拥充足的学术和就业资源。 德雷塞尔大学奉行以学习与实习并重的合作教育 (co-operative education), 与多家世界著名企业如 Google, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia 等保持长期合作关系。德雷塞尔大学连续五年被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为 "前一百名最佳美国大学", 其工学院被国立科学基金会评为国家模范学院, 位列2022USNEWS美国大学排名第52位。其电子与计算机工程系, 学术氛围浓厚, 拥有众多知名学者, 如电气电子工程师学会 (IEEE) 主席 Dr. Bruce Eisenstein在系内任教。
Dr. Lifeng Zhou 在2022年秋季加入德雷塞尔大学电子与计算机工程系担任助理教授。在此之前,他在宾夕法尼亚大学 (University of Pennsylvania) GRASP 实验室, 随 Dr. Vijay Kumar 从事博士后研究。他于2020年在弗吉尼亚理工 (Virginia Tech) 电子与计算机工程系 (ECE) 取得博士学位。Dr. Zhou 致力于设计稳健、可靠的协同策略, 以实现多机器人和自主系统在易发生故障、敌对和不确定性环境中的安全性和可信赖性。应用场景包括多无人机环境监测、搜索和救援、监视和侦察以及目标跟踪。Dr. Zhou 博士及博后期间独立指导多名本硕博学生, 学术论文25篇, 发表在 IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 等多个国际机器人顶级期刊和会议, 并与 MIT, UPenn, Cambridge, USC, UMich, GaTech, UMD, VT 的机器人学者及其研究团队保持长期、紧密的合作关系。实验室正在筹建阶段, 将搭建丰富的硬件和机器人平台, 包括桌面级AI超级计算机 NVIDIA DGX Station, 室内定位系统 Optitrack/Vicon, 大中小型无人机 Intel Falcon 8+, Qualcomm AI Drone, Crazyflie 2.1, 地面机器人 Turtlebot (室内), Jacal/Husky (室外) 等。 另外,每名学生会分配一台高性能笔记本或台式电脑 (System76 工作站/Lambda GPU 工作站)。更多信息详见个人网站:lfzhou917.github.io drexel.edu 和实验室网站: zhourobotics.github.io
We look for talented and highly motivated students who have strong interests and backgrounds in robotics, algorithms, combinatorial optimization, game theory, and machine learning.
Prospective Ph.D. students are welcome from any number of areas including (but not necessarily limited to), multi-robot systems, robotics algorithms, machine learning, combinatorial optimization, game theory, motion planning, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), and model predictive control.
The Ph.D. scholarship will cover the student's tuition and stipend during the Ph.D. program. The preferred start term is Winter 2022/Spring 2023/Summer 2023/Fall 2023. If you are interested in joining the lab, you should apply to the Drexel ECE Ph.D. program and mention Dr. Zhou in your SoP. You are encouraged to contact Dr. Zhou at [email protected] with the title "Prospective Ph.D. students" and include your CV and a short description of your academic background and research interests.
Prospective master's and undergraduate students interested in our research are welcome to join the lab. You are encouraged to contact Dr. Zhou at [email protected] with the title "Prospective master's/undergraduate students" and include your CV, a copy of your transcripts, and a short description of your academic background and research interests.
Prospective visiting students and scholars interested in joining the lab are encouraged to contact Dr. Zhou at [email protected] with the title "Prospective visiting students and scholars" and include your CV, a short description of your academic background and research interests, and representative publications or writing samples (if available).
Please refer to the guidelines regarding graduate admission and application deadlines: drexel.edu
See also the Drexel ECE department: