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Dr. Bo Chen is looking for PhD students who are interested in cyber security, computer security. Please send him (1point3acres.com) your CV/resume if interested. Students who work with him will receive a full RA support (tuition + living stipend + 100% health insurance). Dr. Chen is eager to explore students’ potential and help them to become world-class researchers in the growing cyber security and privacy domain. If you do not have a good GRE/TOFEL score, also don’t hesitate to contact him (The GRE may be exempted due to COVID-19 and feel free to discuss with him if you don’t have GRE or TOFEL scores). He evaluates students based on their potential of doing research, rather than their current English skills (he will help you become a good English speaker/writer in the next few years and you don’t need to worry about it:-)). The PhD/master students who worked with him previously joined Chinese Academy of Sciences, Singapore Management University, Google, Cisco, Vmware, etc.

Bio: Dr. Bo Chen is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Michigan Technological University. Dr. Chen leads the security and privacy (SnP) lab of MTU. He received his B.E. degree from University of Science and Technology Beijing, China (2005), and his M.Eng. degree from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (2008), both in Computer Science. He received his PhD in Computer Science from New Jersey Institute of Technology in 2014. Dr. Chen did his postdoc in Stony Brook University from 2014 to 2015 and Pennsylvania State University from 2015 to 2016, respectively. He has broad interests in security and privacy problems in cloud computing, mobile devices, flash memory, networking, and blockchain. Dr. Chen has published extensively (50+ recent publications) in prestigious academic conferences, journals, books, etc. These include top-tier security and privacy publication venues like ACM CCS (one of top 4 cyber security conferences), NDSS (one of top 4 cyber security conferences), AAAI, ACSAC, DSN, ESORICS, ASIACCS, Journal of Computer Security, IEEE Transactions on Communications, etc. Dr. Chen has received three Best Paper Awards from ACM CODASPY 2013, ACSAC 2017 and EAI AC3 2021, respectively. The total fund he has received from US National Science Foundation (NSF) till now is $2,000,000+ (as both PIs and co-PIs). He has just received a new $~600,000 as PI from US National Science Foundation to continue his research on building secure and reliable cloud storage systems. He also received an Achievement Award from MTU ICC in 2019 and a Research Excellence Fund Award from MTU in 2020. He served as the founding general chair of EAI International Conference on Applied Cryptography in Computer and Communications, and has been serving in the program committee of 40+ prestigious conferences. Please refer to his personal webpage cs.mtu.edu or SnP lab website snp.cs.mtu.edu for more information.

Michigan Technological University (MTU) is a public research university located in the beautiful college town Houghton, Michigan, United States. MTU was ranked No. 20 on the list of 50 Safest College Towns in America. Its main campus sits on 925 acres (approximately 3 km^2) on a bluff overlooking Portage Lake. The university offers students free access to Mont Ripley Ski Area during winter (You can enjoy free ski the entire winter). MTU was founded in 1885 as the first post-secondary institution in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Science, technology, forestry and business have been added to the numerous engineering disciplines, and MTU now offers more than 130 degree programs through its five colleges and schools. MTU was rated among the "Best in the Midwest" by The Princeton Review. Its engineering school was ranked 86, and computer engineering was ranked 83 by US News, respectively.