伦斯勒理工和IBM Research联合培养 机器学习方向 PhD position - 2023 Spring

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伦斯勒理工(RPI) Tianyi Chen教授(1point3acres.com)计划在2023春季总共招收1名PhD (8/15截止)

实验室研究方向包括机器学习理论、优化算法、信号处理等等。这次定点招收RPI实验室和IBM Watson Research联合培养的PhD 1名,集中在基本模型 (Foundation/Pretrained models) 的应用和理论分析

这次招收的1名全奖博士,在博士期间由RPI Tianyi Chen教授和IBM mentors联合培养,暑假有RPI-IBM指定program去学校附近的IBM Watson Research Center实习。表现优异的学生极大机会获得RPI-IBM AI fellowship (airc.rpi.edu),为之后加入IBM Research打下坚实基础。

陈老师年轻有为,已经组建实验室,实验室学生成果丰硕已经在(进组不久就在NeuIPS, ICML, AISTATS发表论文),团队逐渐成熟。这次IBM联合项目急需新鲜血液的助力。研究的课题基本模型 (Foundation/Pretrained models)又有极大的学术和商业价值,是不可多得的机会。欢迎大家申请。新人暂时发布了链接,大家可以搜索"tianyi chen rpi"即可找到老师的主页链接。

伦斯勒理工大学一直位居U.S. News & World Report美国大学前50名。 在2022年,U.S. News & World Report把伦斯勒大学的本科工程专业排在第31名,研究生电子工程专业排在第42名。今年伦斯勒理工大学用顶薪从MIT挖来了赫赫有名的教务长Martin A. Schmidt作为新校长,为今后几年伦斯勒理工走向上升轨道奠定坚实基础。

有意者请把个人简历及成绩单发到Tianyi Chen教授邮箱(1point3acres.com)。

Financial support will be provided for the candidate. For potential Ph.D. students, the earliest admission cycle is Spring 2023. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Tianyi Chen (1point3acres.com) with your CV and related publications.

We have tight collaborations with renowned research groups worldwide, such as University of Minnesota, Harvard University, University of California, Los Angeles, and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of Pennsylvania, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, and Sun Yat-sen University.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is a private research university in Troy, New York. It was established in 1824, and is the first technological university in the English-speaking world. RPI's faculty and alumni include six members of the National Inventors Hall of Fame, six National Medal of Technology winners, five National Medal of Science winners, and a Nobel Prize winner in Physics; in addition, 86 faculty or alumni are members of the National Academy of Engineering, 17 of the National Academy of Sciences, 25 of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, eight of the National Academy of Medicine, and nine of the National Academy of Inventors.

Rensselaer has remained in the top 50 national universities in the United States. In 2022, U.S. News & World Report ranked Rensselaer 55th among all colleges and universities. Rensselaer's undergraduate engineering program is ranked top 31th and its graduate program is ranked 42th by U.S. News & World Report.
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