
昨天晚上收到了Dartmouth的rej,本来以为dartmouth会有一些希望但还是给怒拒了,挺不开心的。导致晚上一直没有睡着,到3点多。然后查邮件看见了gatech的邮件,说decision made了但是需要过一会才能查。。。我就登到网申系统里面,果然里面什么都没有{:7_205:}。。。刷新了几次,心想肯定又是rej吧不然就邮件直接cong了哎算了还是洗洗睡了吧。{:7_184:}


早上起来看了一下邮箱,又让UT Austin给regret了。心想,不能这样吧! 一天3个rej,还让不让人活了{:7_190:}。。。。。。之后就看到了下面这封信: (好长。。。 )

Dear xxxx:

Congratulations! On behalf of the Georgia Tech School of Computer Science, I am delighted to offer you admission to
the Masters program in Master of Science in Information Security for Fall 2014. Admission to this program is
extremely selective. Your qualifications have distinguished you in a pool of very strong applicants. I hope you will
accept our offer to join us next fall.

We believe our program provides a stimulating and enriching environment in which you can complete your studies in
Information Security. Our faculty are passionate about providing you with the strongest possible preparation for your
future success. Our environment is collegial, collaborative, and intellectually challenging.

The School cannot offer financial assistance in conjunction with admission. If you need assistance, there are several
ways to pursue financial support during your enrollment. You may contact the Georgia Tech Office of Scholarships and
Financial Aid, 1point3acres.com, or the Office of Graduate Studies, 1point3acres.com, for further

Georgia Tech is located in the heart of midtown Atlanta, one of our country’s largest and most diverse metropolitan
areas. The city is home to a wide collection of national and regional security companies, many of which provide co-op
and internship opportunities to our students. Atlanta is a dynamic, young city with world-class museums, eclectic
neighborhoods, and sophisticated and cosmopolitan restaurants, clubs, and shops.

We recognize the importance of making your decision thoughtfully and carefully. The College of Computing website at
www.cc.gatech.edu is a good source of information about the program and our faculty. Please do not hesitate to email
Tiffany Jordan, 1point3acres.com, with any additional questions you may have.

The College of Computing and the Georgia Tech Office of Graduate Studies and Admissions will each hold orientation
events during the week before the fall semester starts. Please plan to attend all these events. You will receive
information on the Orientation events later in the summer.

Please note acceptance into this program is not final until confirmed by Georgia Tech's Office of Graduate Studies.
Once they have made their review of your application and noted any final documents needed, they will send you
notification. A "Complete Your Decision" button will also appear in the CollegeNET portal where you can either
accept or decline this offer of admission. By affirming your acceptance of this admissions offer, you confirm that you
will abide by all regulations of the Institute. Please reply to this offer by April 30, 2014.




当时gatech一共交了2个申请,一个info security 一个cs。申请的时候不小心弄乱了,info security的ps,交成了cs的。。。找小秘换了半天都没有换明白。。。最后也没换。就再被ebiz拒了之后,太难过就给各种学校发邮件,也包括给gatech的这个专业的录取负责人发了邮件,很长的邮件。。。就是说是如何第一次听说这个program,对这个专业的看法,自己正在弄的毕设,自己的背景。这些。(其实他没回。。。)朋友们说我写的太长了不会有人看的,但是现在觉得它应该还是起了一些作用的很庆幸当时自己发了这封邮件。{:7_202:}

其实被这个program录取最应该感谢的人应该是我的毕设导师,Daniel,超级超级好的一个人! 好多次我都什么成果都没有就去毕设的meeting。。他他还是特别特别特别特别特别的nice。他是就是这个program的出身,也认识那里的好多老师。太庆幸自己当时选了他做毕设老师。真是太庆幸。这几天一直在愁学校的事情。。。没怎么做毕设,现在无比的愧疚啊!!! 一会一定滚去狂做!!!



2)求认识学长学姐了解情况~ 求扣扣群~{:7_189:} 感觉网站上的信息不多。。。毕业生去向什么的也没找到。。。 {:7_184:}

1point3acres.com1point3acres.com1point3acres.com1point3acres.com1point3acres.com1point3acres.com1point3acres.com1point3acres.com1point3acres.com1point3acres.com1point3acres.com1point3acres.com1point3acres.com1point3acres.com1point3acres.com, ziningxiao2, laonawuli等等等等,无数我记不住名字了的人,真心的感谢,你们的祝福才是真正的龙珠!祝你们每个人都有最好最好的结果的!save the best for last




补充内容 (2014-3-29 10:17):
还有 vesalius! 祝转正!

补充内容 (2014-3-29 10:24):

补充内容 (2014-3-29 11:22):

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