意大利expat tax break勾引你去远程工作
欧洲版大家对荷兰的expat tax break都已经非常熟悉,30%的收入免税是吸引很多人去荷兰工作的主要原因。
意大利已经实施了同样类型的50%的expat tax break几年了,但是很少有人关注,因为荷兰的年薪100k往上,意大利的年薪50k往下……
但是自从很多公司开始允许work remote (but stay in the same place),油滑的意大利政府抓住了这个投机点,2021年起把免税额上升到了70%。条件是你要在意大利呆两年(我估计我呆两个月就要逃回德国了,两年内离开是要把税钱补回去的,所以我就不考虑了)。
注意要获得这个条件,意大利必须是你的tax resident country,即183天rule。否则就要按照另外一个decree走non-resident了,也会有些tax break优惠,但你可能会需要雇个tax consultant。
-各种creative unreliability
Tax break计算法:
假设你的收入是100k一年税前,假设居住地是30%税率。当地人同样税前收入,进自己口袋70k(当然另外还有社保健保失业保要扣,这里暂时忽略)。有expat tax break 50%的情况下,其中50k免税进你的口袋,剩下的50k按照30%扣去税,还有35k还可以进你的口袋,这样你的收入是85k,比当地人高了15k。当tax break达到70%,91k进你的口袋。
由于是有tax residency要求的,一般来说你的雇主得有个意大利分公司,或者使用contractor service,才能保证你在意大利是tax resident身份。如果是通过自雇工作,也要按自雇的流程走。
根据Bloomberg 25 October 2023 at 11:59 CEST报道,意大利政府在2024年减少这项tax break,回到之前的50%力度。如果有意向搬往意大利,请密切关注。如下是KPMG网页更新
The Italian government has published the text of a Legislative Decree which brings in important changes to the expatriate regime in Italy with effect from 1 January 2024.1
Draft legislation provides that, for individuals becoming resident from 1 January 2024, relief under the expatriate regime is reduced to 50 percent, with a limit of EUR 600,000 on the amount of income eligible for relief. To benefit from the relief, three years of previous non-residence would be required, and the employee would need to remain in Italy for five years. The relief will now be restricted to highly-qualified or specialised individuals (applying the same definition as those who would qualify for a Schengen Blue Card).
欧洲版大家对荷兰的expat tax break都已经非常熟悉,30%的收入免税是吸引很多人去荷兰工作的主要原因。
意大利已经实施了同样类型的50%的expat tax break几年了,但是很少有人关注,因为荷兰的年薪100k往上,意大利的年薪50k往下……
但是自从很多公司开始允许work remote (but stay in the same place),油滑的意大利政府抓住了这个投机点,2021年起把免税额上升到了70%。条件是你要在意大利呆两年(我估计我呆两个月就要逃回德国了,两年内离开是要把税钱补回去的,所以我就不考虑了)。
注意要获得这个条件,意大利必须是你的tax resident country,即183天rule。否则就要按照另外一个decree走non-resident了,也会有些tax break优惠,但你可能会需要雇个tax consultant。
-各种creative unreliability
Tax break计算法:
假设你的收入是100k一年税前,假设居住地是30%税率。当地人同样税前收入,进自己口袋70k(当然另外还有社保健保失业保要扣,这里暂时忽略)。有expat tax break 50%的情况下,其中50k免税进你的口袋,剩下的50k按照30%扣去税,还有35k还可以进你的口袋,这样你的收入是85k,比当地人高了15k。当tax break达到70%,91k进你的口袋。
由于是有tax residency要求的,一般来说你的雇主得有个意大利分公司,或者使用contractor service,才能保证你在意大利是tax resident身份。如果是通过自雇工作,也要按自雇的流程走。
根据Bloomberg 25 October 2023 at 11:59 CEST报道,意大利政府在2024年减少这项tax break,回到之前的50%力度。如果有意向搬往意大利,请密切关注。如下是KPMG网页更新
The Italian government has published the text of a Legislative Decree which brings in important changes to the expatriate regime in Italy with effect from 1 January 2024.1
Draft legislation provides that, for individuals becoming resident from 1 January 2024, relief under the expatriate regime is reduced to 50 percent, with a limit of EUR 600,000 on the amount of income eligible for relief. To benefit from the relief, three years of previous non-residence would be required, and the employee would need to remain in Italy for five years. The relief will now be restricted to highly-qualified or specialised individuals (applying the same definition as those who would qualify for a Schengen Blue Card).