综合写作范文及要点 | TPO64 Broccoli

● 一定要先自己模考练习,完成写作后,再比对范文,看自己遗漏的点有哪些?语言上有哪些可以学习借鉴?连接词有哪些可以学习?

● 不定期更新。尽量保证每周至少更新1篇。目前计划更新TPO55-71,顺序更新。



TPO64 Integrated Writing Sample

According to the reading passage, planting a novel kind of broccoli on the East Coast has a number of advantages. The listening, though, disbelieves them all and claims that this will not work.

First, the reading contends that growing broccoli on the East Coast can save transportation costs, making it cheaper for consumers. Although the professor acknowledges the reduction in transportation fees, she says that broccoli is not necessarily any less expensive as a result. This is because despite broccoli’s survival in hot summer, it will have a lower yield on the East Coast compared with that in the West Coast, resulting in a higher price that may cancel out the reduction in transportation cost.

Second, the reading asserts that traditional crossbreeding broccoli will be desirable to consumers since it is not in the category of genetically modified crops. However, the professor points out that the reading fails to consider companies who financially support this new type of broccoli actually have created several of other genetic modified crops. In this way, the public will still be suspicious of these companies and any projects they are involved in. In other words, they might reject the new type of broccoli as well.

Third, the reading states that growing locally helps the broccoli retain more nutrients and vitamins, which is healthy for East Coast residents. On the contrary, the professor argues that other nutritious native veggies with comparable nutrient levels have already existed on the East Coast. Kale, for instance, has comparable health advantages and grows in three seasons, not only in the summer. Therefore, it would be far better to encourage locals to eat fresh, healthy veggies rather than squander money and energy on developing a new variety.

(285 words)

1. 阅读:save transportation cost --> cheap
听力:not necessarily
admits save trans cost, but lower yield on the East Coast
high price --> cancel out the savings

2. 阅读:desirable by consumers bc not genetically modified
听力:public suspicious
companies that financially support this have created GM crops
consumers distrust these companies --> reject this broccoli as well

3. 阅读:health benefits
听力:not necessarily
other local veggies have similar benefits, e.g. kale
e.g. kale, comparable, and grow in more seasons
therefore, educating residents to eat locally > wasting money on a new type of vegetable
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