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凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University) 生物统计招全奖博士生或统计分析师。研究方向包括:贝叶斯统计,高维数据分析,neuroimaging,人体微生物组和mutli-omics data。凯斯西楚大学是一所以独立研究闻名的私立大学,共培养了17位诺贝奖得主,是美国获得联邦研究基金最多的20所私立大学之一。凯斯西储大学在US News排名42,医学院排名24,生物统计排名28。

Job Description:
One to two graduate research associate positions in biostatistics are available immediately at Case Western Reserve University. The research goal of our team is to utilize statistical approaches to understand high-throughput computational biology data. Using data-driven approach and statistical methods, we translate the -omics signal from benchwork to knowledge in precision medicine. We aim to integrate state-of-art biotechnologies with various types of data to make biomedical discoveries. The successful candidate will be actively engaged in statistical methodology development and/or applied collaboration research in biostatistics and quantitative health. The specific research focus can be tailored to the applicant. Please refer to the following link for more details case.edu
The successful candidate will benefit in a broader family of our partnerships with Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine’s affiliated medical institutions, such as Cleveland Clinic Foundation (CCF), the University Hospitals Health System, the University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center (UHCMC), The Metro Health System, and the Veterans Affairs Northeast Ohio Healthcare System. Through these partnerships, cutting-edge technologies, research facilities and collaboration opportunities are available to statistical researchers.
1. The candidate should have a recent Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in biostatistics, statistics, applied mathematics, computer science or related field.
2. Proficiency in R and/or python or other languages.
3. Experience in using High-Performance Computing, but not required.
4. Interest in biology and genetics/genomics is preferred.
5. Fluence in English speaking and writing.
Salary Range: Stipend commensurate with experience based on NIH standard guideline.
Visa: If needed, we will work with University’s Immigration Office to obtain the appropriate visa for employment.
Application Information:
If you are interested, please contact Dr. Liangliang Zhang and send your CV and transcripts to his email 1point3acres.com
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