UC Berkeley M.Eng Frequent Q&A

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[align="left"]1. Meng规定九个月毕业,有没有延期半年毕业的可能性?
2. 选课是自由选择吗?我可不可以多选择一些cs方面的课程,这些也算在学分之内么?还是说课程都是规定好的?
选课随便选。不是按照学分交学费的,是按照学期来的,只要你愿意上就可以上很多课。而且可以在很后面drop虽然这样要花一些钱。但是毕业的要求(网站上有)你每学期要上engineering leadership的课和capstone的课以及至少2门technical core course这就看你选什么方向了,建议就选这些课不要给自己太多load,专心找工作。[/align][align="left"]
3. Meng毕业找到工作的机会如何?公司对于Meng和MS的认可度会不会有差别?是都能够找到不错的工作吗?
认可没有差别,别人只看你的学历是master还是phd, bachelor。找工作80%看个人能力和经验。机械在美国肯定没有cs好找工作 找工作要看的最重要的是个人能力和项目经验 然后是地理位置 和 校友资源。个人能力不谈 项目经验来看 一方面当然是你之前的 有没有工作或者实习经历 你来读书的话看你课上做的project最好就是有实物的可以展示 再好就是portable你可以带到career fair上面那种 地理位置 机械最好的地理位置是德州 和 加州 德州比加州稍微好一点点 之后是密西根州那里的汽车业 德州主要有小硅谷和石油 加州主要是硅谷startup氛围浓厚。从地理位置上来看是很好的(个人意见,当然也有人喜欢中部大农村的)校友资源自然是很好 linkedin什么的也有比较多refer 机会。中国人大概有30个左右。中国人求职在国际生中看来当然不算好。主要还是文化 没印度人会扯。 不过这个确实看个人实力。如果你英语够好,有足够经验的话。[/align][align="left"]
4. Meng找工作的大致流程是怎样?是毕业后开始找实习机会,还是五个月之后就得开始寻找?因为Meng的课程挺紧,一边上课一边找实习会不会顾不过来,压力很大?
美国找工作无非就是career fair;linkedin;networking找有关系的人内推;或者走agency,最最差就是找icc,ccc。最好是能够马上开始找。找工作比上课重要。压力不论你在哪里都很大。[/align][align="left"]
5. 湾区是eecs的天下,那些找到工作的me毕业的人,他们转码农的多么?还是依然从事ME行业?
6. 因为美国找工作由于身份的限制,各种opt和h1b的问题,而meng因为时间短,过渡期基本没有。那些meng毕业的同学,他们的身份问题都成功解决了吗?找到第一份工作并能够解决身份问题的难度有多大?
7. meng毕业后多久之内必须找到工作否则就要打道回府?
如上条,毕业有grace period 有60天 这60天内必须办opt,opt不能超过90天失业,具体见berkeley international office关于opt的tutorial解释[/align][align="left"]
8. Meng转MS的机会如何?Meng转phd呢?如果读完Meng想读phd,会不会被认为是学术目标不明确反而成为软肋?
9. 我的具体的方向是product design,这个方向找工作情况怎样?都去哪些公司?
这个是所以ME里面最好的方向,课程比较简单,而且找工作design的需求量大而且愿意给没有经验的fresh grad机会。有tesla apple Schlumberger这些吧。[/align]
[align="left"]10. 希望能了解一下您觉得1年一共花费大概在多少?还有这个项目每年录取多少学生,控制方向呢? 最后您觉得加州的工作机会如何?[/align][align="left"]I attached a link here. Please refer to College of Engineering (M. Eng program only)[/align][align="left"]grad.berkeley.edu[/align][align="left"]For other costs, usually rent takes about 600-1100 plus groceries about 300-500 per month.[/align][align="left"]I don't know the exact number about admitted students. To my best estimation, I think we have about 100 current MEng students. About 30+ admitted ME students and about 10+ are Chinese students, maybe 5 or 6 in control.[/align][align="left"]California is good in terms of job market demand. If you are interested in working in the States, California is definitely one of your top choices. Texas is good too, but they don't have nice Asian food which is really important to me.(foodie本质尽显)

[/align][align="left"]11. 密歇根那儿的汽车业目测不行了?
那里的活都是contractor他们不sponsor 电子类和石油类的一般都比较肯sponsor[/align]
[align="left"]12. How many students are in this program? What is the proportion of Chinese students? What is the size of each class?[/align][align="left"]I don't know the exact number. I think this about 100 students in the master of engineering program and we having have leadership courses together with Master of Transnational Medicine(MTM) students. I won't think about 30+ Chinese students in MEng.[/align][align="left"]For technical courses, the size is small usually, it largely depends on the course itself, some may be about 20-30 students others may have over 80 students.[/align][align="left"]For leadership courses, it's about 50 students in each section. Everyone is encouraged to speak up about the business case.[/align][align="left"]We also have capstone integration class. Around 10 person, and everyone will present their works each couple of weeks.[/align][align="left"]13. Since this program is very new and takes only one year, I don't know whether it is easy for our Chinese students to get a job offer in the USA after graduation? Do you have any internship experience during your study at UC Berkeley?[/align][align="left"]It is always hard for international students to find jobs in the States except for those CS majored students. I don't have intern during my study at UC Berkeley and usually people are looking for full-time positions. And if you have interns before, that would be a big plus when do job hunting.[/align][align="left"]14. I'm now a student majored in XXXX and I have never take any leadership courses. Would you give me some suggestions preparing for this program?[/align][align="left"]Well leadership courses are new to a lot of admitted students. One thing you definitely should do is to read the case before the class. Some of these cases can be quite long and highlight markers are your friends. Try to answer the questions before the class and always be engaged and listen to others. Don't be shy or hesitate asking questions. These courses are good for improving your presentation skills which Chinese students usually are not so good at because we lack practice. Think it this way you are paying tuition fees for a chance to speak up.[/align][align="left"] [/align]
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