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在伯克利一个教授的鼓励下,我终于鼓起勇气申请了UCB(Transportation方向)。今天总算是有个结果了,虽然科研背景不错(5 SCI*一作),结果还是拒了,不用再等了,拒信如下:

[align="left"]It is with regret that I write to inform you that you have not been accepted for graduate study at the University of California, Berkeley.[/align][align="left"]The materials you submitted with your application have been carefully reviewed by the admissions committee, but we are unable to recommend you for admission.[/align][align="left"]The UC Berkeley campus has a strict enrollment ceiling, and we are thus very limited in the number of new students we may admit each year. The admissions committee has the difficult task of selecting students with the strongest overall records from a large pool of well-qualified applicants. Unfortunately, this may result in not being able to accept many applicants who are capable of excellent academic work.[/align][align="left"]We appreciate the interest you have shown in UC Berkeley and wish you success in achieving your academic goals.[/align][align="left"]Sincerely,[/align][align="left"]Graduate Admissions Office[/align]