纽约Alfred University全奖免学费招研究生,机器学习/量子计算/智能电网

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Alfred University现在有硕士/博士 (硕士或博士都是 全奖 且免学费)的名额,欢迎好学有内驱力的同学尽快申请。可春季、秋季入学。
课题组研究方向为机器学习、量子计算、智能电网。将优先考虑编程能力、数学功底好的、有计算机或电力系统背景的同学。也非常欢迎学生/学者前来交流、访问。请转发/转告有兴趣的学生/学者。 我的有关量子计算和电力系统的NSF (美国国家科学基金) 项目刚刚通过,所以继续招学生,欢迎大家联系。

Alfred University地处纽约上州的环境优美、安静、安全的小镇Alfred. 小镇有2.5个大学。 生活成本低。

有意请联系 1point3acres.com
- 邮件标题请用"Prospective Graduate Student at Alfred Univ.",
- 邮件正文写清你的姓名、学校、GPA、以及其他亮点;
- 邮件附件 简历和本科/研究生成绩单 (合成一个PDF文档并用你的名字作为文档名)


导师主页: alfred.edu


Written Exam: A score of 590 or better (550 for the MFA program) Internet Based Test: A score of 90 or better

A score of 6.5 (6.0 for the MFA program) or better is required.

More information about admission: alfred.edu

The students have the opportunity to work on state-of-the-art research topics and present at important conferences.

Fully-funded graduate students opening at Alfred University
Dear Colleagues,

Alfred University is seeking fully-funded graduate students to work on the areas of smart grids, quantum computing, and/or machine learning with a focus on an NSF-funded project which is about quantum computing for power systems.

Highly motivated and skilled candidates are highly encouraged to apply. An ideal student will be expected to have
1) excellent programming skills using Python, Matlab, C/C++, etc.
2) solid mathematical and/or engineering background, and
3) good English communication skills.

To apply and/or to get more information, please email Dr. Zhan (1point3acres.com) with the subject "Prospective Graduate Student at Alfred Univ." and attach the following document combined into a single PDF format. Please let your file name start with your last name followed by your first name to accelerate processing of your email, for example, LastName_FirstName_AU.pdf.

1) resumes/CVs (please indicate your GPAs, TOEFL/IELTS/GRE scores if you have)
2) Bachelor's transcripts (and Master's transcripts if you are a Master student. If you don't have your formal transcripts yet, please do include informal transcripts)
3) copies of relevant diplomas (Bachelor and/or Master's degrees)
4) copies of your TOEFL/IELTS/GRE scores if you have

Selected students will be fully funded as TA or RA together with tuition waived. Both Master and Ph.D. students will be considered. The students are expected to start as soon as possible. Visiting students/scholars will also be considered. We are also looking for undergraduate students as summer interns to work on the project mentioned above.

The university is located at Alfred, a very beautiful and affordable town at upstate New York, USA. Alfred is home to three higher educational institutions: Alfred University, Alfred State College, and The New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University.

More information about the supervisor: alfred.edu

Please feel free to forward the message to anyone who might be interested. Thank you.

Best regards,
Junpeng Zhan, Ph.D.
Junpeng Zhan
Assistant Professor
E 1point3acres.com
Alfred University
Inamori School of Engineering
1 Saxon Drive
Alfred, NY 14802