芝加哥DePaul大学CACS 2022-2023年招收CS全奖MS

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The Center of Applied Computer Science (CACS) at DePaul University will recruit students for the upcoming 2022-2023 Academic year.

We are seeking front end developers using the latest JavaScript, CSS, and HTML technologies. Our project focuses on Desktop Browsers with some Tablets and Mobile as well. Currently we are leveraging React framework, build cross-browser, cross-device apps. Candidates are required:
  • 2+ years of professional or open-source experience writing JavaScript.
  • 2+ years of professional or open-source experience with React.js, thorough understanding of React.js and its core principles.
  • Knowledge of Node.js frameworks and libraries.
  • Experience configuring and using front end build tools and packages managers such as npm, yarn, webpack, gulp.
  • 1 years of experience with CSS framework.
  • Experience of coding against RESTful APIs.
  • Bachelor Degree in Computer Science or related field.

We are seeking Full Stack .NET Developer with strong experience in web development working with MVC and Javascript. Candidates are required:
  • 2+ years of Full Stack software development experience working with C#, .Net, or MVC frameworks.
  • 1+ years of UI framework experience with React (preferred) or similar technologies.
  • Demonstrated proficiency with JavaScript (ES6) or TypeScript
  • Demonstrated proficiency with HTML5, CSS3, and SASS
  • 1+ years of professional relational database development (Microsoft SQL Server)
  • Bachelor Degree in Computer Science or related field.

For additional information about our major project, Course Online (COL), a live class recording and display system, you can go to the following web site: cdm.depaul.edu
Candidates should be fluent in English and should be prepared for master degree-level study. English Proficiency requirement can be found here, cdm.depaul.edu.
Candidates accepted will be admitted to the graduate program in College of Computing and Digital Media (CDM) of DePaul University and will receive full scholarship. In each academic year, candidate will receive six course tuitions and a scholarship of $15,000.
Interested applicants may contact Bin Zhang via email at [email protected].

感兴趣的同学请按照以下格式发简历到 [email protected](没有达到工作年限要求的同学也可以试试):
标题:DePaul CACS Application [Your Name]
Name: San Zhang
TOEFL/IELTS: XX (没有也可以尝试申请,可以在1-2个月内补上)