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很多人因为流程不熟悉而选择请中介,我个人经验来看,如果有闲并且你属于大龄未婚的那种,自己DIY或许会更保险一些。理由很简单,属于这种情况的,study plan一定要精雕细琢,符合常理逻辑才行。我不觉得中介能比你自己更上心。
1. 被学校录取后,可以参加学校专门组织的study permit webinar。通常来讲,每个学校都有移民律师为学生解读申请学签的各种问题,白给的资源不用白不用。
2. Study Plan 一定要有结构。包括Request for Study Permit, Financial Resources, Background Inofrmation, Ties to Country of Residence, Additional Information 几个板块。 其中Financial Resources 涉及的支撑材料比如银行流水或者存款证明一定要匹配。由父母资助的,要写Financial Support Letter。 模板见下
3. 如果经济允许又想省事,考虑SDS。楼主我申请签证前自由职业2年,大龄+单身,走SDS全程半个月就收到签证。

Re: Application for Canadian Study Permit

Dear Visa Officer,
Please accept the enclosed application for a study permit. I am writing this letter to provide an overview of my request and additional information that may be helpful to you in assessing my eligibility for a study permit.

Request for Study Permit
I have been accepted to the [program name] at the XXX University in Toronto, Ontario. [Include details relevant details: start date, program length, etc]. I am requesting a study permit in order to undertake my studies at Schulich starting in September.
Reference study plan, Letter of Acceptance, etc.
Financial Resources
[provide information on the anticipated costs (tuition, living expenses, etc) as well as detailed information about how you will finance your tuition and living costs in Canada. Reference any payments already made to York U. If required, include detailed description of documents being provided in support – required if multiple or unclear sources of funding]

Background Information
[Include any relevant details about your current situation (i.e.: if applying from country other than country of citizenship, provide information about immigration status in country of residence, etc)];

Ties to Country of Residence / Citizenship
[The visa officer must be satisfied that you will be a genuine temporary resident, and this is often assessed based on your ties to your country of residence as well as any previous international travel. Ties might include family, employment (or employment opportunities), property (home, land, other assets), financial, etc].

Additional information
[If you have any additional information to include, do so here. For example, previous refusals, etc]

Thank you for your consideration of my application. I look forward to your decision. Should you require any additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Financial Support Template

To whom it may concern;
My name is / our names are [name] and I am/we are the [relationship; “parent”, etc] of [student name]. My [daughter/son/child] is currently studying at/has been accepted to the Schulich School of Business at York University in [program name].

I am/we are writing to confirm my/our financial support of my [daughter/son/child]’s education in Canada. We commit to paying […….. tuition, living expenses, etc] and have allocated [xx] per year/month/etc for [student’s name]’s education. [If you have been providing financial support for education abroad already, please highlight this, confirming that your support will continue through your child’s graduate education in Canada]
[If already studying in Canada/at Schulich and tuition has been paid to date, indicate this. If funds already transferred, confirm amounts and when]

[Can include a sentence about why it is important to you to fund student’s education in Canada – this is very important if you are funding the education of someone who is NOT your child; i.e.: niece, friend, sibling, etc]

I/we have more than sufficient financial resources to support [student name]’s education in Canada. [Describe why – i.e.: employment, savings, investment, property, etc; for example: “I am employed full time as a [position] with [company name], and earn a [annual income]. In addition, I have substantial savings/investments in excess of [amount]. etc, etc”. Please provide supporting documents (bank statement, employment letter, etc] to substantiate.

Should you have any questions about our commitment or ability to fund [student name]’s tuition, please contact us.

Name, contact information

[Include copy of identity doc – i.e.: passport biopage, etc, and proof of relationship to student – i.e.: student’s birth certificate showing parent name]

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