Duke 22Fall 同時申 MS & MEng ECE 面經 & 規則

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今天壓線錄完 video essay
同時申請 Duke MEng ECE & MS
ECE 的同學可以注意一下
我寫信詢問學校得到的回覆是: Thank you for contacting us. The application system will only allow you to record one video essay. Please record the video essay in your Meng application by answering the prompt labeled "Engineering Applicants." Your Meng video essay will be automatically copied into your MS application once you submit it. There is no need to record a second video essay for your MS application.
因此,只需在 MEng 的 application 中做 video essay 並回答 "Engineering Applicants" 的問題
即可。 Video essay 會自動與 MS 的 application 共享

回歸主題,我遇到的題目如下。 只記得標記為"Engineering Applicants"的題目了,且不記得完整的題目敘述,有錯請見諒

: 1. What is the thing you have done or experience you had that you are proud of and want us to know?
2. What do you do to solve problems?
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