CMU INI 最新面经

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最新面经:What kind of decisions are hard to make and why?
INI应该是今年才开始有video essay,附比较全的一个INI的面经给后人乘凉,攒人品,求加米
1.Why do you want to study for a graduate level ?
2.Share a negative feedback other people gave to you and what did you do about it.
3.What skills do you use when collaborating with others?
4.How would your former teammates describe you?
5.What do you think is a good course project?
6.What is your favourite communication way?
7.What helps you bounce back when things go badly?
8.What does success on a project mean to you?
9.What would you do if you were on a team where communication was breaking down?
10.What kind of decisions are hard to make and why?

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