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2 Ph.D. positions with full financial support are available at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville for Fall 2022. The students are expected to work with Dr. Shuai Li on several research projects sponsored by the National Science Foundation and Department of Transportation and explore the following research areas: human-robot collaboration (particularly human-robot collaboration for construction and emergency response), smart and connected communities (particularly sustainable and healthy built environments), future of work at human-technology frontier (particularly underwater construction and subsea exploration), and large-scale energy modeling and simulation. The students are expected to have a Master's degree in engineering (excellent students with a Bachelor’s degree will also be favorably considered), and proficient skills in programming and mathematical modeling. Research experience in robotics, virtual reality, augmented reality, sensing, deep learning is preferred. The minimum GPA required for admission is 3.0 and GRE is not required for admission. If interested, please send your CV to Dr. Li (1point3acres.com) for consideration.

1 Postdoc Research Associate position is available in Dr. Li's research group. The postdoc research associate is expected to work with Dr. Li on the above research areas. The postdoc research associate needs to have excellent skills in scientific writing and communication, a track record of publications, and expertise and research experience in robotics, deep learning, or information modeling and computational simulations. If interested, please send your CV and sample publications to Dr. Li (1point3acres.com) for consideration. The postdoc position can start immediately.

1 Postmaster Research Associate position is also available in Dr. Li’s research group. The postmaster research associate is expected to work with Dr. Li to develop computational tools and prototypes needed for a number of research projects. The position is offered to students with a Master's degree to glean additional work-related training experience in the field of engineering, computer science, and data science. A master's degree in engineering or computer science is needed. The postmaster research associate position can start immediately. If interested, please send your CV with your skills highlighted to Dr. Li (1point3acres.com) for consideration.