2022fall 哥大MSCS Video Interview面试
楼主北京时间今天上午做了哥大MSCS的Video Interview,体验还不错,感觉和地里出现过的题没有完全一样,但是考的东西都差不多。下面就直接列一下我遇到的题吧。
1. Why should we consider you for our program instead of several other equally qualified candidates?
2. What would your previous teachers or boss say you excelled most at?
3. Tell us about a recent movie tha you saw, or a recent book that you read?
感觉题都挺老套的,但是..我..还是没记得最近读的书的英文名,边讲内容 边把书翻出来展示在视频上...
同学们有啥要问的,我会尽量回答的,祝大家都有个好的录取结果,Merry Christmas!!!
1. Why should we consider you for our program instead of several other equally qualified candidates?
2. What would your previous teachers or boss say you excelled most at?
3. Tell us about a recent movie tha you saw, or a recent book that you read?
感觉题都挺老套的,但是..我..还是没记得最近读的书的英文名,边讲内容 边把书翻出来展示在视频上...
同学们有啥要问的,我会尽量回答的,祝大家都有个好的录取结果,Merry Christmas!!!