Duke MQM R1 申请&面试经验

昨天收到offer call,感谢地里总结过的面经,和学长学姐的经验,来回馈一下~祝愿每个同学申请季都能有好的结果!


BA类项目相关课程主要可以分成商科类,数学,计算机,在MQM的网申系统中,也需要填写这几类课程的数量,所以可以看出来MQM还是比较注重商科+QUANT类课程的结合。结合自我的感觉和身边申请同学的专业背景,还是认为数学/统计类的课程,如果时间允许的情况下,还是多多益善。其中,微积分,线性统计,是比较关键基础的数学课。MQM对本科计算机课程的语言没有要求,目前我只修过Python,但在实习中体现了使用SQL的能力(身边同学也有没学过Python, 而是Java)。目前的感受来看,MQM对计算机课程的硬核程度并不是非常高。

数学:Cal1-Cal3, Linear algebra, Differential Equations, Probability
计算机:Intro to Python,SQL,Machine Learning

确定自己研究生方向是BA之后,三段实习的职位都是data analysis intern。工作的主要内容是使用Python/SQL抓取数据并进行分析。比较幸运的是,在最近的一段实习中,身为实习生的工作自由度比较高,所以成长也比较陡峭~所以目前认为,实习潜在的growth opportunities是大于公司的title,因为在实习中真实获得的成长才能更好的反映在文书当中。另一个感悟是,不必过于焦虑自己的实习数量,数量并不能体现出能力,重要的是如何从实习中提取感悟并连接到why MQM上。

2021.10.15 提交R1网申
2021.11.17 收到面试邀请
2021.11.23 真人面试
2021.12.8 offer call

MQM的文书一共有三篇,其中两篇都是比较常规的文书题目,关于career goal+why MQM+what can you brought to the Fuqua。还有一篇文书是关于自己25 random things,这也是MQM比较独特的地方。我自己的建议是,25件事可以从自己喜欢的文学/运动/爱好入手,再加上自己比较unique的地方,可以想想周围人是怎么评价自己的,或者自己最引以为傲的一些方面。MQM录取很大的取决因素是看申请人与项目的匹配程度,所以25件事是非常重要的渠道让Fuqua可以了解你。我提到了自己参加过的volunteer program,喜欢的sci-fi books and movies,实习中的一些趣事等等, 不过每个人都有不一样的经历,建议尽量自己独立思考这篇文书;)
Fuqua的官网上,可以找到MBA学生曾经写过的25 random things,有意申请的同学可以参考一下:blogs.fuqua.duke.edu

我当天的面试时间是北京时间上午十点,在自己的卧室,business casual。或许因为疫情的关系,面试官小哥哥也是在自己的卧室,用笔记录下我的response。
面试的问题主要涵盖了几个方面: introduction to yourself, your strength and weakness, teamwork experience, why Fuqua, why MQM, why your track,最后会有Q&A环节,需要准备几个对面试官的问题; 建议同学们准备面试的过程中,多看一下官网,Diversity&Inclusion是Fuqua的重点,可以在回答中多体现这些方面。关于简历的内容,我并没有被问到任何关于简历的问题,但是有同学在面试之前被要求上传简历。


Resume / Work experience
- Proudest achievement in college or at work

Why Fuqua, why MQM?
- Compared with other programs, is there a specific reason that makes you choose Fuqua/MQM;
- What can you bring to Fuqua? What can you contribute to Fuqua?
- Understanding of Team Fuqua : ambition+work with diverse team members to bring more value than the individual value
- Most important assets that you can bring to Fuqua
- What extracurricular activities are you planning to do at Fuqua?
- What would be the greatest assets you could bring to the MQM program?

- What 3 qualities do you think a good leader should have
- What leadership skills do you have
- Leadership experience and how you motivate teammates
- What's your understanding of leadership and tell me about a leader you admire
- Do you have any leader you looked up to in your experience? Why do you admire him/her?
- How do you persuade people as a team leader?

- 3 Characteristics of a Successful team
- How do you motivate the team
- Unsuccessful teamwork experience
- What type of role you typically play in a team and how do you galvanize people to get things done
- How do your teammates describe you in teamwork
- Did you receive any constructive feedback from others (either professional or personally)? How did you react to that?
- Can you share with me your experience working in a team with diversity
- Cross- functional team experience
- Share your experience when you work in a team and you disagree with other members
- Have you received any negative feedback or criticism? How did you deal with that?
- Have you received any constructive feedback?
- How do you deal with a shy team member?
Interaction styles
- What is your typical way of interaction with others

Greatest strength and weakness
- What is your biggest strength and weakness?

Career Plan
- What's your plan if you are not admitted to Fuqua
- What’s your short-term and long-term career goal
- Why not work for a few years and get an MBA
- What is your career plan after?

Choice of the track
- What is your first track and the second, and why

- If you have a chance present to the Admission Committee in 1 min, what would you say?
- Describe one time you make an influence on the other one’s decision or something
- Describe one time you explained a complicated concept to others
- 如果可以的话,你想要登上哪本杂志的封面;
- How friends & family describe you?
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