弗吉尼亚理工大学计算机系Prof. Bo Ji招收全奖博士生

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Fall 2022 GRA positions available: Dr. Bo Ji, an associate professor of computer science at Virginia Tech, is looking for multiple self-motivated Ph.D. students with a strong theoretical background in machine learning, networking, optimization, and math, or with a strong systems background in cybersecurity and wireless sensing. Potential topics include (but not limited to): reinforcement/bandit learning, learning-augmented algorithms, NextG systems, age of information (data freshness), and programmable networks. If you are interested, please send Dr. Bo Ji (1point3acres.com) your CV, representative publications (if any), detailed transcripts with GPA and ranking, English test scores, along with a brief introduction about yourself. More information about Dr. Bo Ji and his research can be found at people.cs.vt.edu

The application deadline is December 20, 2021. Information for prospective students interested in CS@VT can be found at cs.vt.edu
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