[教授本人]佛罗里达大学招收2名全奖PhD (人工智能+土木基建+智慧城市方向)

Strongly motivated applicants are invited to apply for two fully-funded Ph.D. student positions, available for Spring/Fall 2022 within the M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management, College of Design, Construction and Planning, University of Florida. The students will work in one or two of the following areas:

Artificial Intelligence

Automation in Design/Construction/Management of Future Infrastructure (Generative design, additive construction, robotics, new materials)

Multi-scale Computational Simulation and Modeling of the Built Environment (City information modeling, cyberinfrastructure, smart city, natural hazards)

1. Bachelor or master’s degree in Civil Engineering, Material Science, Mechanical Engineering, Construction, Mathematics, Statistics, Mechanics, Physics, Computer Science, Electronic Engineering, or other related areas in STEM.
2. GPA>=3.5/4.0 for all tertiary degrees

One or more of the following skills is a plus but not required:
Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence / Robotics / Computer Vision / Natural Language Processing
Programing / Linux / Database
GIS / AIoT / Blockchain
Hardware/Software Development
Computational Mechanics (FEM, DEM, MPM, FVM, etc)

The admitted students are expected to work with Dr. Chaofeng Wang, for more details please check my website.

Interested applicants please contact 1point3acres.com with your cv, all transcripts, and a brief description of your research interests and qualifications. Applications are open until positions are filled.


佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)是一所公立研究型大学,美国大学协会成员之一,建校于1853年。 佛罗里达大学被誉为公立常春藤,美国顶尖公立大学之一,位列U.S. News 2022 美国最佳大学排名第28位 ,全美公立大学第5位。 学校气候宜人,校园美丽舒适,建筑宏伟壮观,非常适合生活学习。
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