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美国内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校Qing Wu Lab 招收博士后以及全奖博士生

作为内华达个性化医学研究所(NIPM)创始成员,Dr. Wu 致力于通过转化医学研究改善个体和群体健康。主要研究领域有:采用流行病学、生物统计学、机器学习、荟萃分析、生物信息学等多学科交叉技术,构建和应用数学模型,对基因变异与骨质疏松、骨折、以及骨密度的关系进行流行病学分析、建模,以达到确定疾病的危险因素、减少健康差异、为制定基于证据的防控策略提供科学证据的目的。

NIH-funded Postdoctoral Research Scientist Position is available

A postdoctoral position in bioinformatics is available in Dr. Qing Wu's lab in the Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine was just awarded an $11.4M, 5-year Center of Biomedical Research Excellence P20 Grant from NIH in personalized medicine research. The successful candidate will play a key role in the development of research plans, execution, and analysis of projects involving “big data” including GWAS data, electronic medical records, and Federal-funded large cohort data. The successful candidate will assist the PI to conduct research including GWAS data management, imputation and analysis, deep learning, and big-data analysis in a collaborative medical research setting. In addition, the successful candidate will have the opportunity to be promoted to a research faculty. The successful candidate will work in collaborative teams to address critical health and medical issues in the community. These issues include access and affordability of health care and the prevalence of diseases such as osteoporosis, cancer, and diabetes. There are opportunities to collaborate with partners with unique capabilities, such as the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, the Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada, and the Veteran's Administration Hospital.
Please find more details from the attached file.

Graduate Assistantships for Biostatistics Ph.D. Students
Dr. Qing Wu is recruiting Ph.D. students who are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the School of Public Health, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Competitive graduate assistantships at the Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine are available. The preferred candidates for the graduate assistantship should have:
1. Master's degree in Computer Sciences or Biostatistics or related fields
2. Experience programming in C++, R, Python, and other scripting languages
3. Proficiency in SAS programming
4. Research interests in Personalized Medicine, machine learning, genomic analysis, and disease prevention

Interested individuals should apply online through the UNLV website. The deadline is March 1 each year. More information about the graduate college at UNLV can be found here. Questions about the research program should contact Dr. Wu at 1point3acres.com.