史蒂文斯理工学院 机器学习/化学工程/分子模拟/药物设计/蛋白质工程 招1名全奖博士

Dr. Pin-Kuang Lai's group has opening for PhD students in the department of chemical engineering and materials science at Stevens Institute of Technology for Fall 2022. PhD students will be supported with a competitive scholarship. The research area will focus on applying machine learning and molecular simulations to biotherapeutics design including antibody drugs and peptide drugs. We are interested in developing predictive models for antibody stability and antimicrobial peptides design. Our group will combine machine leaning, molecular simulations and high-throughput screening for biomolecule design.

PhD applicants having a degree in chemical engineering (BS or MS) is required. Research experience in programming, molecular dynamics simulation with the knowledge of biochemistry is preferred. If you are interested, please send your CV, transcripts and report TOFEL and GRE scores (if any) to Dr. Lai (1point3acres.com).

Information about the PI:
Dr. Lai is an assistant professor. He received his PhD degree in the chemical engineering department at University of Minnesota. His research topic focused on designing antimicrobial peptides and mechanism study using computational and experimental methods. After graduation, he joined MIT as a postdoc. During postdoc, he has collaborated with several pharmaceutical companies to develop computational tools to predict antibody aggregation and viscosity. He has collaborated with Merck, Sanofi, Takeda and AstraZeneca.

About Stevens:
Stevens Institute of Technology is located in Hoboken, NJ, about 10 minutes distance to Manhattan, New York. Schaefer School of Engineering & Science is one of the four academic schools of Stevens. The ranking of Stevens is #80 in 2021. The department of chemical engineering and materials science is actively recruiting students and faculties in the field of data science and machine learning in health care and sustainable energy.