考过雅思3次,基本都是裸考, 分数分别为:8, 8.5, 8.
之前辅导过一些口语不好的朋友备考, 总结一下经验其实就是4个字母, 相信很多同学也见过: S.T.A.R.
S: Situation; T: Task; A: Action; R: Result
其实雅思口语和写作都是开放性的题型, 更多注重的不是对与错, 而是你怎么去强烈的支持自己的观点, 并能讲出故事让别人信服你的观点。 很多同学担心自己英语功底不行,说话不流利, 词汇量不够丰富, 口音不清晰,等等一系列问题, 导致自己不敢开口, 或者一开口就卡顿。 其实这些都是最不重要的, 我今后有空也可以一一讨论以上几点。 雅思口语最重要的根本是你是否能把一个故事讲溜, 要把一个故事讲溜, 就需要用到 S.T.A.R. 技巧,还有类似举一反三的衍生发。
比如第一部分, 都是一些询问你基本信息的题型: where you from, what's your hobby, what age people go to college in your country, where do you study, is this a popular major in your country, etc.
这些问题的答案其实非常简单, 就是直白的"WHAT" 还有“YES and NO。 但是我们整个4-5分钟不能就这么直白的“yes, no”的像一个 if else聊天, 所以考官在此之上也会循序渐进的问一些“When”, “Do you like, “Is there”的问题, 一般如果能把 "what" 的问题讲得特别流利的话是很少给考官留机会去问 “when, "where", "is there", "why"的问题的,因为即使问到了, 你的回答也是 "like I said, xxx xxx xxx" 因为这个问题的答案已经在你一开始的描述 "What"中提及了。
下面具体讲一下怎么能把 "what"回答到没有时间给考官插话, 或者甚至问道 "Why", "Do you like", "When"的时候能对答如流让人有种身临其境的感觉。 说白了还是衍生法和S.T.A.R.
比如这是一道上次我在考雅思时候的第一部分问题: "where do you live"? 来剖析一下这道题的回答方式。
Step 1: I live in Redmond.
这是最基本的一问一答,但是如果只这么说的话那就挂了。 接下来要衍生:
Step 2: Which neighborhood do you live in? =>I live near the MS headquarters/head office/office.
Step 3: What kind of property is it? =>I live in a house newly constructed/built 5 years ago. 或者: I live in a house, it was built 5 years ago.
Step 4: What's the interior/inside of the house like? =>
基本上按照这个步骤讲完之后口语第一部分的时间也到了, 即使考官还有一些follow-up的问题要问(最多可能是WHY)。 也可以按照S.T.A.R. 方式来回答任何一个问题。 我举得例子里的句子都用几种不同的方式表达了同一个问题, 就是想说明即使词汇量不特别丰富的情况下也可以用国内初中时就学过的句型和词汇量来把一个话题讲活。
之前辅导过一些口语不好的朋友备考, 总结一下经验其实就是4个字母, 相信很多同学也见过: S.T.A.R.
S: Situation; T: Task; A: Action; R: Result
其实雅思口语和写作都是开放性的题型, 更多注重的不是对与错, 而是你怎么去强烈的支持自己的观点, 并能讲出故事让别人信服你的观点。 很多同学担心自己英语功底不行,说话不流利, 词汇量不够丰富, 口音不清晰,等等一系列问题, 导致自己不敢开口, 或者一开口就卡顿。 其实这些都是最不重要的, 我今后有空也可以一一讨论以上几点。 雅思口语最重要的根本是你是否能把一个故事讲溜, 要把一个故事讲溜, 就需要用到 S.T.A.R. 技巧,还有类似举一反三的衍生发。
比如第一部分, 都是一些询问你基本信息的题型: where you from, what's your hobby, what age people go to college in your country, where do you study, is this a popular major in your country, etc.
这些问题的答案其实非常简单, 就是直白的"WHAT" 还有“YES and NO。 但是我们整个4-5分钟不能就这么直白的“yes, no”的像一个 if else聊天, 所以考官在此之上也会循序渐进的问一些“When”, “Do you like, “Is there”的问题, 一般如果能把 "what" 的问题讲得特别流利的话是很少给考官留机会去问 “when, "where", "is there", "why"的问题的,因为即使问到了, 你的回答也是 "like I said, xxx xxx xxx" 因为这个问题的答案已经在你一开始的描述 "What"中提及了。
下面具体讲一下怎么能把 "what"回答到没有时间给考官插话, 或者甚至问道 "Why", "Do you like", "When"的时候能对答如流让人有种身临其境的感觉。 说白了还是衍生法和S.T.A.R.
比如这是一道上次我在考雅思时候的第一部分问题: "where do you live"? 来剖析一下这道题的回答方式。
Step 1: I live in Redmond.
这是最基本的一问一答,但是如果只这么说的话那就挂了。 接下来要衍生:
Step 2: Which neighborhood do you live in? =>I live near the MS headquarters/head office/office.
Step 3: What kind of property is it? =>I live in a house newly constructed/built 5 years ago. 或者: I live in a house, it was built 5 years ago.
Step 4: What's the interior/inside of the house like? =>
- The house has 5 bedrooms and 3 and half bathrooms.
- It has 3 stories/floors including a basement level.
- It also has a double garage/two-door garage/a very big garage that can fit two cars parallel/ side by side/ at the same time.
- The house is facing/sitting North and South, which provides plenty of sunshine/light especially during the winter time in Seattle. 或者 It has a lot sunlight every day, even during the winter time. (That's what I like most about it.)
- The house is designed in traditional/contemporary/modern styles by a very famous designer. 或者 A very famous designer built the house. It is in traditional Chinese / modern/contemporary style. (I really like this part of the house.)
- I currently live with my wife and our friends. 或者 Right now, it's just myself, my wife and my two friends who are living there.
- (Why it's just 4 people living there?) => We just bought the house last year during the Covid. We have to pay high mortgage so we decided to rent the rooms to my friends.
- (How is the experience living with your friends?) => It is a great experience living with friends. We can cook and eat dinner together every night. The only thing I don't like about is sometimes my friends are noisy because they have a baby.
- Situation: I have always been renting since I moved to the US as a student 8 years ago. I have had both good and bad experiences with it. I moved to Seattle last year for a job in MS. I could either rent another place but the housing price was very low xxxx
- Task: I decided to purchase instead....
- Action: I started research on my own and also hired a realtor ....
- Result: I bought this place for a very good place.
基本上按照这个步骤讲完之后口语第一部分的时间也到了, 即使考官还有一些follow-up的问题要问(最多可能是WHY)。 也可以按照S.T.A.R. 方式来回答任何一个问题。 我举得例子里的句子都用几种不同的方式表达了同一个问题, 就是想说明即使词汇量不特别丰富的情况下也可以用国内初中时就学过的句型和词汇量来把一个话题讲活。