Post-Completion EAD卡日期印错 更正Timeline

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楼主在毕业前用过pre-completion的OPT,所以申请post-completion的时候就减掉了pre-completion用过的日期。然鹅USCIS也没有仔细看requested date,还是批了一年的post-completion。和学校International Office联系了一下,只能我们自己去更正USCIS的typo。

我在08/01提交了 (后面证实这一步是没有用的,不要在这里傻等了!), 之后收到一封邮件说“Expect a reply by Aug 23". 之后就等呀等, 中间问了n个Emma, 每次都说要等更久,直到九月初一个好心的”Emma" 说因为这张卡已经Approved并且你已经收到了,所以没有人会take care你的typo request,你要自己把错误的卡寄回。于是开始整理材料,主要有:
  1. 错误的这张post-completion EAD卡 原卡!(寄之前确认一下有做photocopy备份)
  2. 一封 explanation letter (具体可以参照,我觉得非常适合解释日期错误,我再将正确的日期加粗,就不信USCIS再看不见!!!)
  3. I-20 with post-completion request (copy)
  4. I-797 Approval Notice (copy)
  5. I-94 (copy)
  6. F-1 visa; passport profile page (copy)
1-4是我们io提到的要寄的documents,5-6是我以防万一加的。之后就是寄的地址,也是那个好心的“Emma” 说根据自己I-797 notice最底下的那串地址寄就可以。我的是Potomac Service Center 20598-2425。为了防止寄错,我又查了一些网上的信息,其中Penn的这条更为详细,附给大家作参考:

If your application was approved by the Potomac Service Center (Check your USCIS receipt number: if the first 3 letters of your OPT receipt number are YSC, then the card was produced by the Potomac Service Center.); send the letter and supporting documentation to:

US Citizenship and Immigration Services
Potomac Service Center
2200 Potomac Center Drive, Stop 2425
Arlington, VA 20598-2425
寄这里也是一波三折,下班以后去UPS和Fedex都说这个地址在他们系统里查不到,当我转到USPS的时候发现USPS五点就关门了。如果小伙伴们寄和我一样的地址,直接去USPS就好了!我选的是Priority Mail Express。
接下来就是在家check status,开始苦苦的煎熬,这里感谢SengokuSumire博主这篇instant.1point3acres.cn给了很多有用的信息,我也附上我的Timeline:

09/14 包裹寄出
09/20 Correspondance received with a letter
09/27 Card received
10/04 New card is being produced
10/05 Case was approved
10/07 SEVP 系统更新了正确日期
10/07 Card was mailed to me
10/14 Tracking number updated; USPS delivered at 10/12

希望大家的EAD卡经历可以顺顺利利,也希望这篇对有EAD typo correction需求的小伙伴有帮助!
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