Clarkson University-化工系Chemical Mechanical Planarization 方向全奖博士

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Clarkson University 化工系 助理教授 CMP方向 招一个全奖博士。

1. 学校综排全美100+,地处纽约上州玉米地,距离纽约市6小时车程。化工系大约10个比较活跃的教授,大部分是近几年新招的AP。系里大约20个研究生,大部分是博士,基本都是国际学生,尼日利亚和南亚国家的居多。我今年毕业之后系里就没有中国同学了。隔壁环境系有一些中国学生,学校总体中国研究生规模在60个左右。

2. 导师是Jihoon Seo,韩国人,不是我自己的老板,是我隔壁实验室的。个人主页在这里 他原来是隔壁实验室的博后,导师是SV Babu,是CMP方向的大牛。去年Babu教授已经退休了,Jihoon就继承Babu的衣钵,成为我们系的助理教授。这个博士会是Jihoon名下的第一个博士生。

3. CMP 是Chemical Mechanical Planarization的简称,是半导体生产过程中的一个重要步骤。这个实验室的connection和就业方向集中在工业界,半导体生产厂商居多。研究项目很多也是跟工业界合作的研发工作。有很多工业界实习的机会。据我所知的近几年毕业去向包括:Intel,TDK Headway等等。

4. 以下是Jihoon发给我的英文介绍:
My name is Jihoon Seo. I am an assistant professor of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Eng at Clarkson University. Currently, I am collaborating with many industry partners, and I am seeking applicants for one fully-funded Ph.D. position in our research group.

Required Applicant Qualifications:
- BS/BE and MS in Chemical Engineering or related fields.
- Motivated and Active students
- Minimum Test Score Requirements: TOEFL (80), IELTS (6.5), PTE (56) and Duolingo English Test (115).
- Preferred research experience: Surface Science, particle engineering, particle synthesis and characterization.
I do research in the planarization of advanced interconnect structures and post-CMP cleaning methods with Prof. S. V. Babu. Clarkson University is one of the premier institutes for chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) research. Prof. Babu is one of the pioneers in this area.

CMP that originated with glass polishing and then adopted for semiconductor device processing is now used in a number of manufacturing processes. It has become a critical and enabling process for the multilevel metallization necessary for interconnecting the immense number of active devices created in the silicon substrate and, more recently in the device fabrication process sequence also.
You may be interested to know about the electrochemical basis of metal CMP. Metal CMP is governed by electrochemical behaviors of metal films in the presence of oxidizers, complexing agents, and corrosion inhibitors (slurry components). When exposed to slurry components, the metal film is oxidized and removed by polishing. A goal of the metal CMP process is to uniformly polish the interconnection materials and the barrier materials with the desired removal rates and selectivity while minimizing CMP-related defects such as localized pitting, dissolution, and galvanic corrosion and stop on the oxide layer. We are also working on the post-CMP cleaning for metal films.
Please let me know if you are interested in CMP and post-CMP cleaning so that we could have a further discussion.

5. Jihoon 是一个好人,我平常跟他接触挺愉快的,挺好沟通的,有问题问他他都会热心帮助。但我没法儿保证他是一个好导师,年轻助理教授刚开始带学生没有经验是很正常的。他们组现在应该还剩下一个Babu的印度学生,明年暑假毕业。Jihoon 自己晚上是加班的,他们组的学生晚上也工作到比较晚,不能确定Jihoon会不会要求他的学生也加班。优点是他们组平均4年毕业,而且工作非常好找,工业界抢着要他们组的学生。我知道的最厉害的一个学生是三年前毕业的印度学霸,3年毕业,去Intel直接Senior Engineer起步,14w刀一年。坏处是publication一般,基本不可能去学术界。

6. 感谢读完这么长的帖子,第一次发帖没有经验,大家随便看看。如果感兴趣可以发简历给Jihoon,邮箱在他主页里。有问题可以在帖子下面留言问我,我看到了就会回复的。