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美国克莱克森大学(Clarkson University)电气与计算机学院(ECE)助理教授江亚洲教授招收2022年春季/秋季入学博士生。 研究方向为可再生能源接入,电力系统韧性,数据驱动电力系统运行等领域。优秀申请人将获得全额奖学金。联系方式

个人简介:江亚洲,美国克莱克森大学电气与计算机工程系助理教授,于2011年获得华中科技大学本科学位,2012年赴美师从美国工程院院士Chen-Ching Liu教授,于2016年获得美国华盛顿州立大学博士学位。2016年至2020年期间,江教授就职于通用电气全球研发中心(GE Global Research)。江博士主持和参与多项美国能源部(DOE)以及GE公司资助研发项目。基于江博士对GE公司产品研发的贡献,江博士被授予GE Dushman Technology Excellence Award。江博士研究成果 (电力系统故障恢复软件-EPRI,柔性电力变压器-GE)被用于北美电力公司提高电网韧性。江博士发表SCI/EI论文30于篇,美国专利3项。同时她是多个IEEE Transactions期刊审稿人。她的研究领域包括:储能促进新能源并网,数字驱动电力系统运行,电力系统韧性等。


美国克莱克森大学电力系统方向拥有悠久历史。目前拥有电力系统研发中心,为美国最大的电力系统研究大学之一,与纽约州电力公司(National Grid, Central Hudson, New York Power Authority, NYISO, GE)等合作密切。

PhD Openings for Students in Power Engineering at Clarkson University (Starting from Spring/Fall 2022)
Position Description
Dr. Yazhou Jiang is currently seeking students at the Ph.D. level for research in the areas of renewable energy integration, data-driven power system operation and control, and power system resiliency. The competitive graduate assistantship will be offered to good candidates. His research focuses are
; Resilient power system operation (fast power recovery, outage management, and restoration for improved grid resiliency).
; Data-analytics to support grid operation (statistical learning to improve grid visibility and grid model)
; Grid flexibility (storage and flexible resources) for renewable integration and grid decarbonization.

Position Requirements
; Master's Degree is preferred but Excellent Undergraduate students will also be considered.
; Applicants should have relevant backgrounds in electric power systems, control, and/or math.
If you are interested in the opening, please send your CV (and transcript, GRE, and TOEFL [international students only] scores if available) to Dr. Yazhou Jiang at . Please specify “Prospective Ph.D. Student” in the email subject.