
自我介绍:大家好,我叫缪森涛 (sites.google.com/umich.edu/sentaomiao/home),2020年PhD毕业于密西根大学工业工程系,师从赵修利教授。本人目前在麦吉尔大学商学院运营管理系做助理教授,研究方向主要是应用于供应链和零售管理的优化和统计学习算法。
职位介绍:我的同事Maxime Cohen (maxccohen.github.io/) 和我打算招收一位PhD学生,在2022年秋季入学。主要研究方向就是供应链和零售管理的优化、学习算法以及应用。我们都很宽松,所以学生有自己感兴趣的topic只要大家都有兴趣,我们也可以一起做 ^ ^。我的同事Maxime刚被promote成为正教授,非常productive和active,手上也有大量资源(包括funding,数据,跟公司的合作机会,以及他是我们学院做供应链实验的retail lab的director)。所以如果学生对做empirical和experiment感兴趣的,也欢迎和我们联系!我的邮箱是:1point3acres.com

总体来说供应链管理(特别是新冠以来)是这几年比较火的OM方向,尤其和data analytics结合之后,无论是找教职还是去公司,都有着很多职位。


Position Summary:
We are searching for a highly motivated student to join the fully funded PhD program in the research team lead by Prof. Maxime Cohen (maxccohen.github.io/) and Dr. Sentao Miao (sites.google.com/umich.edu/sentaomiao/) at Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University. The expected research area is broadly in the optimization, machine learning, data analytics, and application in supply chain and retail management. The potential PhD candidate is given the freedom to explore his/her own research topic if it is the interest of everyone in the research team.

; Student is expected to obtain a Bachelor/Master degree by Fall 2022 in areas related to Mathematics, Operations Research, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, etc.
; Is self-motivated, committed, and curious to explore new problems.
; Ideal candidate is expected to have solid mathematics background and be able to conduct numerical experiments/data analysis independently.

Application Process:
Please see the official website of Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University for detailed steps of application. For students interested in joining our research team, please indicate that in your Personal Statement.
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