Multiple PhD positions in ECE Department at Kansas State University
#1 导师本人经过2年青椒历练之后依然nice,不信你跟我学生打听。
#2 每个月生活费绝对很充裕,作为华人学生退税能退多少各显神通了。Lol
#3 Again, 导师给idea手把手带,学生永远是一作。
如果对两个方向有着明确的倾向,请投递材料到相应的邮箱(网络空间安全/硬件安全; 智能能源/电网 )。如果没什么倾向,可以都投递给我 , 信息我都会share给吴老师。
堪萨斯州立大学电子和计算机工程系的两个实验室(智能能源研究室, 硬件安全实验室)进行博士生招生并提供多个全额奖学金机会。
Institution: Kansas State University (QS Five star rating in Research, Facilities, Teaching, etc.
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
Location: Manhattan, Kansas
Start Time: Summer 2022, Fall 2022
Application Due: January 8, 2022
Position #1. Ph.D. Student in K-State Hardware Security Lab
Research Areas: Cybersecurity, Hardware Security, Formal Verification, Program Analysis, IoT Security, Hardware and Software Security Co-Verification
Financial Support: Research Assistant Position with Full-Scholarship (stipend included: $2100 before tax per month)
Preferred Education/Experience:
1. Students majoring in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Communications or related areas are welcome to apply.
2. Preference will be given to the candidates with any of the following experiences/skills:
Programming skill: Python, Java, C/C++ programming; functional language, Verilog/VHDL.
Cybersecurity: background knowledge, security competitions, etc.;
Program Analysis or Formal Verification tools: model checker, Coq, Z3 solver, KLEE, etc.;
Embedded system, FPGA design and implementation;
If you are interested in this position, submit your CV ( including your education and project/research/work experiences) to Prof. Xiaolong Guo (
Position #2. Ph.D. Student in Smart Energy Systems Group
堪萨斯州立大学工程学院电子和计算机工程系的智能能源研究室 招收博士研究生。我们对在以下领域中有较强研究兴趣和基础的学生特别感兴趣:
1. 智能电网的网络安全
2. 电力系统规划与运行
3. 智能电网的大数据分析和机器学习
申请资格要求: (1)研究生毕业于电气工程,工业工程或系统工程相关专业; (2) 较强的口头和书面沟通能力,以及 (3) 良好的编程能力。预计开始日期是 2022 年秋季。堪萨斯州立大学是一所公立研究型大学,其主校区位于美国堪萨斯州的曼哈顿。堪萨斯州立大学拥有美国中西部最大的电力工程专业之一。如果有兴趣,请将您的简历发送至。对于优秀的候选人,可以免除 GRE 要求。
#1 导师本人经过2年青椒历练之后依然nice,不信你跟我学生打听。
#2 每个月生活费绝对很充裕,作为华人学生退税能退多少各显神通了。Lol
#3 Again, 导师给idea手把手带,学生永远是一作。
如果对两个方向有着明确的倾向,请投递材料到相应的邮箱(网络空间安全/硬件安全; 智能能源/电网 )。如果没什么倾向,可以都投递给我 , 信息我都会share给吴老师。
堪萨斯州立大学电子和计算机工程系的两个实验室(智能能源研究室, 硬件安全实验室)进行博士生招生并提供多个全额奖学金机会。
Institution: Kansas State University (QS Five star rating in Research, Facilities, Teaching, etc.
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
Location: Manhattan, Kansas
Start Time: Summer 2022, Fall 2022
Application Due: January 8, 2022
Position #1. Ph.D. Student in K-State Hardware Security Lab
Research Areas: Cybersecurity, Hardware Security, Formal Verification, Program Analysis, IoT Security, Hardware and Software Security Co-Verification
Financial Support: Research Assistant Position with Full-Scholarship (stipend included: $2100 before tax per month)
Preferred Education/Experience:
1. Students majoring in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Communications or related areas are welcome to apply.
2. Preference will be given to the candidates with any of the following experiences/skills:
Programming skill: Python, Java, C/C++ programming; functional language, Verilog/VHDL.
Cybersecurity: background knowledge, security competitions, etc.;
Program Analysis or Formal Verification tools: model checker, Coq, Z3 solver, KLEE, etc.;
Embedded system, FPGA design and implementation;
If you are interested in this position, submit your CV ( including your education and project/research/work experiences) to Prof. Xiaolong Guo (
Position #2. Ph.D. Student in Smart Energy Systems Group
堪萨斯州立大学工程学院电子和计算机工程系的智能能源研究室 招收博士研究生。我们对在以下领域中有较强研究兴趣和基础的学生特别感兴趣:
1. 智能电网的网络安全
2. 电力系统规划与运行
3. 智能电网的大数据分析和机器学习
申请资格要求: (1)研究生毕业于电气工程,工业工程或系统工程相关专业; (2) 较强的口头和书面沟通能力,以及 (3) 良好的编程能力。预计开始日期是 2022 年秋季。堪萨斯州立大学是一所公立研究型大学,其主校区位于美国堪萨斯州的曼哈顿。堪萨斯州立大学拥有美国中西部最大的电力工程专业之一。如果有兴趣,请将您的简历发送至。对于优秀的候选人,可以免除 GRE 要求。