新加坡国立大学化工系Yanwei Lum (林彦玮) 课题组招博士后和博士生

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新加坡国立大学化工系(NUS ChBE) Yanwei Lum新课题组,招聘博士后和博士生,以2022fall为主,时间可详谈。

研究方向:电催化 (CO2 还原,有机氧化/还原)
导师介绍:林彦玮 (Yanwei Lum),新加坡国立大学化工系,NUS Presidential Young Professor (助理教授)。本科就读于英国伦敦帝国学院材料科学专业, 在美国加州大学伯克利分校材料科学院取得博士学位 (Prof. Joel W. Ager) ,并于加拿大多伦多大学进行博士后研究 (Prof. Edward H. Sargent) 。长期从事电催化工作研究,取得了多项创新成果,2021 年加入新加坡国立大学。 目前已发表12篇第一作者文章(Science, Nature Catalysis, Nature Communications, 等), 引用次: >2400, H-index:23.
PostDoctoral positions (research fellow) and PhD scholarships are available in the group of NUS Presidential Young Professor Yanwei LUM at the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). The goal is to develop highly efficient and selective electrocatalysts for conversion of CO2 into chemicals and fuels. Such catalysts will be integrated into lab scale CO2 electrochemical reactors where conversion will take place. The research fellows are also expected to play an active role in guiding and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students in the group. Some examples of activities to be carried out in the project are:
1) Regularly perform materials synthesis and characterization for the development of novel electrocatalysts.
2) Sample preparation for electrocatalytic studies.
3) Carry out electrochemical techniques to determine electrocatalyst performance.
4) Perform product analysis and quantification using methods such as GC, HPLC and NMR.
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