CUHK 商学院 RA position

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招一位熟悉web- and video-scraping的RA,base香港,薪资包括医保。徐教授是CUHK会计系的助理教授,研究方向为information intermediaries (media and equity analysts), corporate disclosures, and corporate governance。徐教授本人性格也很好,不会让你干一堆没什么关联的杂活,也不是被几个老师一起share的那种RA,你只对徐教授负责汇报,并且对project进行深度跟进(从开题到research design到后期的empirical都有involve)。对以后想读商科PHD的同学应该是一份高质量的RA工作,能让你在申请的时候言之有物。详情请招聘广告,谢谢

Rosy Xu, Assistant Professor of Accounting at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), is seeking a Full-Time Research Associate for at least half a year, beginning November 2021. Staying and working in Hong Kong is required (CUHK will provide a work Visa).
The Research Associate (RA) will assist with the daily operations of research projects in accounting and finance, with a substantive focus on media and social interactions.

Primary Duties:
Conduct technical tasks: (1) collect data from online websites and platforms such as YouTube; (2) manage and summarize large datasets; and (3) perform textual/video analyses.
Independently manage all timelines and deliverables. Exercise independent decision-making about methodologies and the progression of a research project. Must be able to structure assignments using self-judgment and keep faculty members informed as necessary.

Basic Qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree (or above) required. Candidates for this position should be planning to pursue doctoral studies in accounting or finance.
Strong knowledge of web- and video-scraping. Strong knowledge of Python or R (for scraping). Knowledge in machine learning is a plus.

Additional Qualifications:
Evidence of outstanding academic achievement. Indication of training and good habits in data management and analysis. All candidates need to submit a sample code to be reviewed by a CUHK statistician and/or given a comparable exercise.
Excellent communication, interpersonal, organization, research, and analytical skills are required. Proven ability to: handle multiple projects simultaneously and flexibly adapt to changes in priorities; work calmly under deadline pressure; work both independently and as a team member; take the initiative, and follow projects through to completion.

15,000 ~ 18,000 HKD per month (based on performance), plus standard benefits package of CUHK employees (e.g., medical benefit and annual leaves). The employment term is normally 6 to 24 months.

How to Apply:
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Applicants should submit the following to [email protected] for full consideration: (1) a resume/CV, and (2) a short paragraph to describe your strength on the web- and video-scraping. Upon the review of application materials, applicants may be asked to submit a coding sample. Professor Xu may also conduct interviews if necessary.

补充内容 (2021-08-24 01:26 +8:00):
Alok Kumar教授现在正式加入这个项目,Alok Kumar (University of Miami) 是BehavioralAsset Pricing 领域的顶尖学者,热衷研究,并且喜欢培养学生。Kumar的研究成果发表在众多国际顶级期刊,看一下他的引用量就知道啦! Google

