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楼主今年3月份决定转码,并在一个月内完成选校及申请(全程DIY),最终在4月份收到三封学校的ad, 所以想给大家分享一下文科背景申请转码项目的文书应该怎么写~

P1: 开篇定下PS主题 --- I thrive on inexperience, 同时引出自己第一段的转专业学习经历
I thrive on inexperience. Just two years ago, I left China and came to the United States to pursue a Master’s degree in linguistics at XXX. The underlying mechanics of language—how it is taught, perceived, and processed over time, fascinated me.

P2: 直接指出自己遇到困难, 并简要概述所做出的努力及结果(结果尽量量化,比如取得的考试成绩,收到的奖项)
Upon enrollment, I realized I had one significant challenge: I was the only student in my class with no prior experience in formal linguistic theory, a critical piece of the program. 具体努力的行为 With consistent efforts in every course I’ve taken, my hard work has all been paid off. 具体努力的结果

P3: !重点来了!要描述一下想转码的契机:可以是某次讲座,某次作业,总之需要表达出通过这件事情自己对CS感兴趣了!
During my first semester at XXX, I was assigned to annotate human language data... I first tried to follow the instructions by labeling the sentences one-by-one in a spreadsheet, which ended up containing more than 5000 sentences. I soon found that this manual annotation was time-consuming and error-prone. I realized the necessity to write programs to automate this repetitive process. Therefore, I enrolled in “XXX”….

P4: 在这一段 ,我不仅描述了自己上第一门CS课的感受,也call back了我的中心词:我再次在全新的领域开始学习,并且通过努力取得良好的结果
This, too, was uncharted territory for me. I was the only student in the class who hadn’t taken any prior programming courses, and it showed at first. However, as I had with linguistic study, I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. 具体努力的行为+具体努力的结果

P5:在这段中 ,主要表达我在学习之后对CS进一步的感受,并强调我当前背景的亮点
When writing the report, my deepest conviction was that only when the noncreative and repetitive work is removed can all the energy be directed to the root of the problem at hand. I also realized the intrinsic value of my linguistic background; I perceived the problem differently than my peers and provided insights into how we should analyze the language data. This successful experience solidified my interest in computer science and my confidence in future learning.

These experiences have helped me target a new goal: XXX. I want to graduate from a Master’s program in computer science where I can establish a solid computing foundation and receive first-hand experience in programming. The XXX program at XXX is my ideal choice because it’s tailored specifically for students with little experience in the field—perfect for me and my track record of learning with quick enthusiasm.

With its rich tradition of excellence in academia and the well-designed course curriculum, the XXX program at XXX holds in the highest regard, and I hope you’ll agree my two-year study at XXX demonstrated my optimism and persistence to achieve every goal. The required introductory courses will prepare me for the abundant elective course which will allow me to dive into my interests. For example, I wish to enroll in XXX for learning more advanced skills in natural language processing.

P8: 除了谈及自己能为项目带来怎样的diversity以外,可以进一步谈谈未来的职业规划,可以具体5年内或者10年内。接着还是猛夸学校,稍稍升华一下,就大功告成啦,如果能首尾呼应,再结合一下自己的背景就更好了。
I look forward to being part of the supportive and diverse student body at XXX. The camaraderie with classmates and faculty members alike is of great importance, and I will do my best to build that rapport. Upon receiving my graduate degree from XXX, my short-term goal is to become a software developing engineer at XXX. Once I gain valuable experience, my dream is to work on cutting-edge learning algorithms for optimizing language learning and to promote the overall learning quality. I know the XXX program at XXX will help me accomplish my goals, and I hope my experience can inspire other liberal arts students to bravely pursue their dream in the field of computing and technology. I hope, after learning my story, that you will find we speak the same language!




因为是跨专业学习,除了兴趣以外,我们需要向学校证明自己是有能力完成学业的,所以在这篇文书中,我给自己定下的关键词就是:persistence & optisim。




也许是听某一个讲座,做了某个作业或者是像我因为遇到了某个困难,想要利用编程去解决,这些都可以作为我们想要转码的契机。 但除了这个契机,我们还需要向招生官表示我们并不是一拍脑子就想转码,而是在进一步尝试后做出的决定。这样我们就可以将契机和初次尝试这两件事情链接起来,使得故事流畅起来。

当自然过渡到为什么想申请某转码项目之后,就下来的两个部分就是文书申请的常规部分: why this school/program 和why you


在why you的部分,我先是强调了自己能为community diversity带来怎样的积极影响,接着我就稍稍升华了一下,那最关键其实还是call back了我文书的关键词: persistence & optimism. 再次向学校表明我可以🤓


最后的最后,还想提一下各位转专业的姐妹不要忽视掉自己本专业背景,如果能在文书中恰当的融合,会使得文书更具个人特色, 也会有利于自己引出能怎样提升community diversity.

祝大家申请顺利!offer 多多!如果觉得本次分享有用的话求加米!(小白选手要开始准备找实习了!!)

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