刚收到的Prof. 回信!好像有戏~牛人们帮我看看吧!

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刚收到Prof. 回信!好兴奋!!这回终于不是模板了~~但我有几个问题哦,需要牛人帮助!!

Thank you for your e-mail. Would you be able to send me hard copy versions of your current curriculum vitae and some of your publications and submitted manuscripts. Include in your package a printout of the current e-mail, so that I can get oriented quickly. At the same time, you should pursue the applications procedures described on the Department of Chemistry web site: .....(and the links from that page) -- it can all be done electronically. Graduate students are accepted centrally by the Department, not individually by faculty. Concerning financial support, all graduate students receive a reasonable stipend from the first day -- generally starting as teaching assistants, and reclassifying to research assistants later, after they have selected a faculty research advisor and passed their written and oral preliminary examinations.

1. “send me hard copy versions ”是说我要UPS他所要的纸板材料吗?为啥要寄纸板呢?
2. “after they have selected a faculty research advisor ”是说学生进校后先轮转吗?
3. “passed their written and oral preliminary examinations”是说还要考试吗??!是入学以后再考吗?入学多久考呢?还是先过了考试才能真正入学?要上课吗?了解这个的朋友能介绍点相关信息吗?
