Multiple Postdoc positions at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

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The AI-CAD (Artificial Intelligence for Computer Aided Diagnosis) group at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) is looking for highly-motivated candidates for multiple Post-doctoral Research Fellow positions.

The research projects include:
  • Developing structural, functional and diffusion MRI prognostic biomarkers and machine learning models of early detection/prediction of neurodevelopmental deficits and other important clinical outcomes for high risk newborns and infants;
  • Developing machine learning/deep learning methods using conventional MRI and MR elastography data to accurately detect and quantify liver fibrosis, using biopsy-derived histologic data as the reference standard;
  • Large-scale collaborative analyses of radiomics and genomics data for prediction/diagnosis neurodevelopmental disorder or liver, bowel other disease prediction; and
  • Developing machine learning/deep learning algorithms for MRI image reconstruction.

The required education and research experience include:
  • A PhD degree in computer science, mathematics, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, electrical engineering, physics or related field;
  • Strong programming skills with Python, Matlab;
  • Extensive experience in machine learning and deep learning development with Scikit-learn, Deep learning package (e.g., Tensorflow, Keras), and Matlab packages; and
  • MRI image research experience is a plus.

CCHMC is a premier pediatric research institution. We are driven by the mission to improve child health and transform the delivery of care through fully integrated, globally recognized research, education, and innovation. Our image-based AI core is a multi-disciplinary infrastructure that aims at supporting enterprise-wide image-based AI research and clinical translation. Applicants should email a CV, along with a brief letter outlining their research background and interests to Dr. Lili He: