University of Virginia: PhD + postdoc openings in 3D Printing Soft Biomate...

The Soft Biomatter Laboratory at the University of Virginia has (1) multiple Ph.D. openings in the fall of 2021 or the spring 2022, and (2) two postdoc openings starting immediately.
Website: softbiomatter[dot]org
Contact: Prof. Liheng Cai, liheng.cai[at]

Ph.D. Openings.
Possible projects include but not limited to:
(1) recyclable tough self-healing polymers,
(2) interactions between bacteria and mucus in health and disease, and
(3) additive manufacturing of designer soft (bio)materials for adaptive optics, wearable electronics, and/or biomedicine.
Students with a strong background in one of these majors, Chemistry, Biology, Physics or Engineering, are encouraged to apply. Experience in instrument development, chemical (polymer) synthesis, soft matter, and/or biophysics is a great plus. Students in our group often start with one area of research and gradually broaden their horizon spanning from physics, chemistry, biology, engineering to medicine. In the meantime, please send us a cover letter describing your background and research interests, curriculum vitae, and the contact details of your primary advisor if any.

Postdoctoral Openings.
(1) Interactions between bacteria and mucus in health and disease. The successful candidate will develop a microfluidic-based mucus clearance model for studying chronic lung diseases and screening better therapeutics.
(2) 3D printing of soft biomaterials. The project consists of two core areas: (1) materials innovation and (2) technology development. The successful candidate will develop new soft materials as inks for 3D printing, and use customized 3D printing technologies to transform the materials to adaptive structures for photonic and biomedical applications. The project integrates polymer chemistry, polymer physics, advanced characterization (TEM, AFM, SEM), in-situ SAXS, microscopy, mechanics, 3D printing, and instrumentation. The candidate will have the opportunity to closely work with a group of members consisting of chemists, materials scientists, biomedical engineers, physicists, and medical doctors.

Additional Responsibilities include: managing laboratory facilities, performing measurements, updating equipment, developing procedures for operation and safety, supporting undergraduate/graduate research and fielding questions regarding procedures. The successful applicant will also participate in guiding students in measurements and analysis of their data as well as helping to draft proposals, reports, and research papers. The appointment will be for one-year, renewable pending satisfactory performance and funding.

Qualification requirements: Candidates must have a PhD degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or a closely related field. Candidates with expertise in polymer chemistry and/or 3D printing are strongly encouraged to apply. However, qualified candidates with other background will also be considered. Good oral and written communication skills, as well as attention to detail and good record keeping, are essential.

Application procedure: Interested applicants please submit a one-page cover letter, CV, a one-page research statement, a 3-slide presentation that summarizes your previous work, and the contact information for three references.

Application deadline: Review of applications will begin immediately, and the position will remain open until filled. The University will perform background checks on all new hires prior to employment.
This is a one-year appointment; however, the appointment may be renewed for an additional one year, contingent upon satisfactory performance.