lz现在收到了UW EE、Cornell ECE、JHU EE、USC CS37的offer,想和大家咨询讨论一下其中哪些学校能够defer以及多久、能否上网课之类的。
目前,lz通过康康的爬树群了解到Cornell 只能defer半年并且没有网课。
补充内容 (2021-04-10 09:43 +8:00):
JHU问了小秘Belinda Blinkoff,她说JHU很自由,任选半年或一年。原文如下:
补充内容 (2021-04-10 09:44 +8:00):
If you decide to defer, just email me and tell me if you will defer to spring 2022 or fall 2022 and I will approve your deferral and graduate admissions will send you an email with
补充内容 (2021-04-10 09:44 +8:00):
further instructions.
I’m not sure if the courses you want will be offered online next fall but online courses could also be an option.
补充内容 (2021-04-13 08:48 +8:00):
补充内容 (2021-04-13 08:48 +8:00):
As long as you inform us by September 1st and let us know which quarter you want to defer to we will be able to process the deferral.
目前,lz通过康康的爬树群了解到Cornell 只能defer半年并且没有网课。
补充内容 (2021-04-10 09:43 +8:00):
JHU问了小秘Belinda Blinkoff,她说JHU很自由,任选半年或一年。原文如下:
补充内容 (2021-04-10 09:44 +8:00):
If you decide to defer, just email me and tell me if you will defer to spring 2022 or fall 2022 and I will approve your deferral and graduate admissions will send you an email with
补充内容 (2021-04-10 09:44 +8:00):
further instructions.
I’m not sure if the courses you want will be offered online next fall but online courses could also be an option.
补充内容 (2021-04-13 08:48 +8:00):
补充内容 (2021-04-13 08:48 +8:00):
As long as you inform us by September 1st and let us know which quarter you want to defer to we will be able to process the deferral.