University of Alberta ECE MEng 迷惑邮件

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邮件正文节选如下,大意就是我选的track - SE & Intelligent System卷爆了,(但是我不知道我是个什么状态,申请系统里没有reject 只有underreview,可能爬进了waiting list),然后要么死等下一轮(我不太想等了,怕卷没了),要么现在换track,截止到下个月初,有没有dalao看看这是什么意思!!感谢
Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your application to the MEng program - Software Engineering & Intelligent Systems in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Alberta. We issue MEng admissions in two phases of competition:

Early admissions: This first batch of admissions is being processed right now based on all applications received before March 2021.
Late admissions: This second and final batch of admissions will be issued in May 2021 based on all applications received by the deadline (March 15 for international applicants and May 1 for Canadian students and permanent residents) including those that were not successful in the early admissions phase.

Our Software Engineering & Intelligent Systems specialization is tremendously popular and receives a large number of applications. However, the number of graduate class seats in each specialization are limited and, therefore, many strong applicants are turned away.

I regret to inform you that your application was not selected in the early admissions competition for MEng in Software Engineering & Intelligent Systems. You have two options:

Option A: Wait for the late admissions competition results in the Software Engineering & Intelligent Systems specialization. You will be notified of the result by late May or early June. If you would like to go with this option, no action is necessary from you at this time.

Option B: Consider the other 7 MEng specializations* we offer in the ECE Department and, based on your background and interests, request up to 2 other choices of specialization:

Computer Engineering
Control Systems
Energy Systems
Integrated Circuits and Systems
Signal and Image Processing
Solid State Electronics
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